Parties, organizations that mobilize voters on behalf of a common set of
interests, concerns, and goals. In many nations, parties play a crucial role in
the democratic process. They formulate political and policy agendas, select
candidates, conduct election campaigns, and monitor the work of their elected
representatives. Political parties link citizens and the government, providing a
means by which people can have a voice in their government. For a history of the
party system in the United States, see Political Parties in the United
A political party system consists of all the
parties in a particular nation and the laws and customs that govern their
behavior. There are three types of party systems: (1) multiparty systems, (2)
two-party systems, and (3) one-party systems.
Multiparty systems are the most common type of
party system. Parliamentary governments based on proportional representation
often develop multiparty systems. In this type of electoral arrangement, the
number of legislative seats held by any party depends on the proportion of votes
they received in the most recent election. When no party gains a majority of the
legislative seats in a parliamentary multiparty system, several parties may join
forces to form a coalition government. Advocates of multiparty systems
point out that they permit more points of view to be represented in government
and often provide stable, enduring systems of government, as in most of
contemporary Western Europe (where every system, including Great Britain, has at
least three and usually five or six significant parties). Critics note, however,
that multiparty systems have sometimes contributed to fragmentation and
political instability, as in the Weimar Republic in Germany (1919-1933), the
Fourth Republic in France (1946-1958), and Italy after World War II.
In a two-party system, control of government
power shifts between two dominant parties. Two-party systems most frequently
develop when electoral victory requires only a simple plurality vote, that is,
the winner gets the most votes, but not necessarily a majority of votes. In such
a system, it makes sense for smaller parties to combine into larger ones or to
drop out altogether. Parliamentary governments in which the legislators are
elected by plurality voting to represent distinct districts may develop party
systems in which only two parties hold significant numbers of seats, as in Great
Britain and Canada. Advocates of two-party systems believe they limit the
dangers of excessive fragmentation and government stalemate. However, in the
United States, which separates the powers and functions of government between
executive, legislative, and judicial branches, it is possible for one party to
control the legislature and the other to control the executive branch. This
frequently has led to political gridlock between the Republican Party and the
Democratic Party. Opponents of the two-party system also believe that in time
the two parties increasingly tend to resemble each other and leave too many
points of view out of the political process. These factors may alienate voters
and lead to low turnout in elections. See also United States
(Government): Election Process and Political Parties.
A single-party system is one in which one
party nominates all candidates for office. Thus there is no competition for
elected offices. The only choices left to voters are (1) to decide whether or
not to vote and (2) to vote “yes” or “no” for the designated candidate.
Single-party systems have characterized Communist Party governments and other
authoritarian regimes. They have become much less common since Communism
collapsed in Eastern Europe and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
between 1989 and 1991. Surviving Communist states, most notably China, North
Korea, and Cuba, do continue to enforce the rule of a single party.
International financial pressure has also reduced the number of single-party
systems in developing nations. Funding agencies such as the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (also known as the World Bank) often insist
upon a competitive party system as a precondition for granting loans or aid to
these countries. Defenders of single-party systems point out that they provide a
way for nations to mobilize and direct the talents and energies of every citizen
toward a unified mission or purpose. This advantage appeals to leaders of some
nations that possess limited human and material resources. However, single-party
systems limit the political freedoms and choices of citizens.
Political parties mediate the relationship
between citizens and their government. In democracies with competitive party
systems, political parties pressure governments to respond to the needs and
interests of broad segments of the population. In more authoritarian
governments, parties offer a structure for directing and conditioning the
behavior of individual citizens.
Most political parties espouse democratic
principles and commitments. In practice, however, a combination of factors has
placed limits on parties as instruments of democratic participation. In the 19th
and early 20th centuries, for example, most parties took their message to the
people through the work of committed activists. The introduction of new
communications technologies has since reduced the incentive of parties to
mobilize and actively engage its members. Even during the so-called “golden age”
of political parties, from the middle of the 19th century until the outbreak of
World War I in 1914, most effective parties developed a rigid bureaucratic
structure that increasingly hampered participation of ordinary party supporters.
Power instead flowed to elites at the top of the party hierarchy.
Political parties employ different strategies
for recruiting supporters. “Externally mobilized” parties develop around leaders
who lack power within an existing government. These leaders compensate by
mobilizing and organizing a popular base of support from among disaffected
groups in society. External mobilization has typically provided the origins of
social-democratic, Socialist, Communist, and Fascist parties in Europe.
“Internally mobilized” parties, by contrast,
usually represent a defensive strategy of countermobilization on the part of
influential government insiders. This strategy also involves efforts to recruit
a broad base of party members and supporters. Internally mobilized parties seek
to neutralize the organizational efforts of another party or to gain that
party's cooperation in the pursuit of goals, such as wars, that require a broad
foundation of support and sacrifice. Conservative parties and Liberal parties in
Europe have more often used a strategy of countermobilization. In the late
1930s, the Democratic Party sponsored social reform to fend off challenges from
the Socialist, Communist, and Progressive parties, and from populist leaders
such as Father Charles Coughlin, Francis Townsend, and Louisiana Senator Huey
A | Origins and Development |
The origins of political parties are
closely associated with the development of the modern state and representative
democracy in Western Europe and the United States. Parties evolved through the
struggle of contending groups to grasp control of the apparatus of government.
This struggle for power generally took place within legislatures. Formed
initially to advise monarchs, by the 17th and 18th centuries many legislative
bodies had begun to claim independent power bases and privileges of their own.
An early model of the modern party system developed in Britain in the 18th
century, shaped around the efforts of the Whig and Tory parties to control
government jobs and political influence. A party system also developed in the
United States in the decade following ratification of the Constitution of the
United States in 1788, pitting members of the Federalist Party against members
of the Democratic-Republican Party.
In both Britain and the United States,
competition between political parties undermined traditional conceptions of
politics rooted in classical and Christian notions of virtue and public service.
According to this tradition, political leaders should act according to a model
of virtue that involved placing the common good above the interests of a
fraction of the society. Leaders acting to benefit only themselves or a narrow
portion of the society were considered corrupt. However, party competition
required public figures to act upon a contrary set of assumptions: (1) that
politics “naturally” involves conflict and division, and (2) that its true goals
are to secure the economic interests and political influence of groups divided
along lines of class, ethnicity, race, and religion. From the vantage point of
the 20th century, some political scientists have concluded that party
competition, far from corrupting a society, measurably strengthens and
integrates it by providing a way to include and represent different groups and
During the 19th century, the broad
extension of voting rights to adult male citizens throughout Europe and the
United States required legislators to appeal to a much larger segment of
national populations. Political parties grew dramatically in size and began to
take the form of independent, popularly based organizations, no longer serving
merely the interests of a narrow elite. During the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, arguably the period when political parties in the United States
reached the height of their influence, party organizations played an important
role in the lives of millions of Americans. Political party “machines” organized
new communities out of the vast waves of immigrants settling in America's
largest cities. These political machines offered urban Americans an array of
services, ranging from housing, food, and jobs to legal assistance and language
instruction. In return, they asked for votes. They also expected loyalty from
their victorious candidates, who were to remain ever mindful of the party
organization's role in delivering the votes.
B | Decline |
Political parties no longer play such a
central role in determining election outcomes in the United States. Since the
early decades of the 20th century, the influence of primary elections, the mass
media, and lobbyists for special interests has gradually weakened the ties of
parties to both candidates and voters. The proliferation of primaries, for
instance, has given individual voters the power to select candidates—a power
that once resided with the party organization itself. The media also places more
emphasis on candidates as individuals than as agents of parties and party
platforms. Public attention now focuses on the personalities and ideas of
candidates, rather than the benefits that the party as an organization can offer
party loyalists. To that extent, little incentive exists for voters to support
the choice of the party establishment or for candidates to adhere to a “party
Individuals are also less likely to work as
party activists because of the limits to the benefits parties can provide them.
Where they were once pragmatic vehicles for electing candidates and offering
benefits and services to supporters, parties have become more programmatic and
issue-oriented. Party leadership positions, especially at the state and local
level, have increasingly gone to “programmatic ideologues,” party activists
whose views on issues tend to be more extreme and intense than those of most
party supporters. Examples of programmatic ideologues in party organizations
include environmental, gun rights, and abortion activists.
As the direct influence of political
parties upon the electorate has diminished, candidate organizations in the
United States have taken over more of the work of campaigning. Independent
financial support from interest groups and individuals further weakens the
parties. Candidate obligations to and dependence upon major donors often
supersede their attachment to their party. In Europe, by contrast, parties
generally control the distribution of funds for election campaigns. Rather than
separate themselves from their party, strong candidates such as Margaret
Thatcher in Britain, Jacques Chirac in France, and Helmut Kohl in Germany have
often simply taken over their party organizations.
Though their organizational strength in the
United States has diminished, political parties continue to provide expert
assistance with polling, fundraising, and advertising efforts of candidates.
Campaign finance law also permits parties to gather and spend money on
“party-building activities” that can be used to aid specific candidates, and
thus circumvent limits on contributions. Parties help to coordinate the
campaigns of party members and they organize the statewide and national
conventions that mark election years. However, as the capacity of parties to
formulate programs, nominate candidates, and control campaigns has weakened,
they have lost control over those who win elections under their name. Political
parties have little basis for denying future renomination to those who deviate
from the party program.
Though most pronounced in the United States,
the decline of traditional parties is an international phenomenon. Some analysts
believe political parties will one day cease to exist, and that the function of
democratic linkage between citizen and state will then be performed by polls, by
interactive television, and by other media. Others argue, however, that none of
these institutions offers citizens the public arena in which reasoned debate can
lead to collective action on behalf of an organized membership. Collective
action, they suggest, is the only effective recourse of the less privileged
members of a society. A nation without multiple strong, competitive political
parties will inevitably be a nation in which power rests in the hands of a
narrow elite. Still other analysts simply note that the first act of a new
nation, or a nation newly liberated from authoritarian control, is to create
political parties. These analysts believe that human political communities have
not outgrown their need for political parties.
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