Government, political organization comprising the
individuals and institutions authorized to formulate public policies and conduct
affairs of state. Governments are empowered to establish and regulate the
interrelationships of the people within their territorial confines, the
relations of the people with the community as a whole, and the dealings of the
community with other political entities. Government applies in this sense both
to the governments of national states, such as the federal government of the
U.S., and to the governments of subdivisions of national states, such as the
state, county, and municipal governments of the U.S. and the governments of the
provinces of Canada. Such organizations as universities, labor unions, and
churches are also broadly governmental in many of their functions. The word
government may refer to the people who form the supreme administrative
body of a country, as in the expression “the government of Prime Minister
Governments are classified in a great many
ways and from a wide variety of standpoints; many of the categories inevitably
overlap. A familiar classification is that which distinguishes monarchic from
republican governments. Scholars in modern times, especially in the 20th
century, have stressed the characteristics that distinguish democratic
governments from dictatorships. In one classification of governments, federal
states are distinguished from unitary states. Federal states, such as the U.S.
and Switzerland, comprise unions of states in which the authority of the central
or national government is constitutionally limited by the legally established
powers of the constituent subdivisions. In unitary states, such as the United
Kingdom and Belgium, the constituent subdivisions of the state are subordinate
to the authority of the national government. The degree of subordination varies
from country to country. It may also vary within a country from time to time and
according to circumstance; for example, the central authority of the national
government in Italy was greatly increased from 1922 to 1945, during the period
of the Fascist dictatorship. In one classification of democratic nations,
parliamentary or cabinet governments are distinguished from presidential ones.
In parliamentary governments, of which the United Kingdom, India, and Canada are
examples, the executive branch is subordinate to the legislature. In
presidential governments, such as in the U.S., the executive is independent of
the legislature, although many of the executive's actions are subject to
legislative review. Still other classifications hinge on varying governmental
forms and powers among the nations of the world.
In the theory of political science, the
function of government is to secure the common welfare of the members of the
social aggregate over which it exercises control. In different historical
epochs, governments have endeavored to achieve the common welfare by various
means. Among primitive peoples, systems of social control were rudimentary; they
arose directly from ideas of right and wrong common to the members of a social
group and were enforced on individuals primarily through group pressure. Among
more civilized peoples, governments assumed institutional forms; they rested on
defined legal bases, imposing penalties on violators of the law and using force
to establish themselves and discharge their functions.
The despotic empires of Egypt, Sumer,
Assyria, Persia, and Macedonia were followed by the rise of city-states, the
first self-governing communities, in which the rule of law predominated and
state officials were responsible to the citizens who chose them. The city-states
of Greece, such as Athens, Corinth, and Sparta, and of that part of Asia Minor
dominated or influenced by the Greeks, provided the material for the speculative
political theories of Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle's system of classifying
states, which influenced subsequent political thought for centuries, was based
on a simple criterion: good governments are those that best serve the general
welfare; bad governments are those that subordinate the general good to the good
of the individuals in power. Aristotle distinguished three categories of
government: monarchy, government by a single individual; aristocracy, government
by a select few; and democracy, government by many. The later Greek
philosophers, influenced by Aristotle, distinguished three degenerate forms of
the classes of government defined by him. These were, respectively, tyranny,
rule by an individual in his or her own interest; oligarchy, rule by a few
people in their own interest; and ochlocracy, mob rule. Still other categories
of lasting historical significance are theocracy, rule by religious leaders; and
bureaucracy, the excessive domination of government by administrative
Ancient Rome, which evolved from a
city-republic to the seat of a world empire, also greatly influenced the
development of government in the Western world. This influence was derived in
part from the great Roman achievement in formulating clearly for the first time
the principle that constitutional law, establishing the sovereignty of the
state, is superior to ordinary law, such as that created by legislative
After the fall of Rome, the Roman concept of
a universal dominion was kept alive during the Middle Ages through the formation
of the Holy Roman Empire; and also, in part, by the establishment, through canon
law and ecclesiastical courts with jurisdiction over secular affairs, of the
ruling body of the Roman Catholic church. The effect of these influences was to
retard the development of national territories and governments after tendencies
in that direction had manifested themselves among the feudal principalities of
Europe. On the other hand, the struggle of the feudal barons to limit the
absolute power of their monarchs eventually produced many contributions to the
theory and institutions of representative government. During the Middle Ages
commercial city-states arose in Europe. These city-states eventually formed the
Hanseatic League and the powerful Italian city-republics, or communes.
The final emergence of national governments
is attributed to two principal causes. One comprises a number of underlying
economic causes, including a great expansion in trade and the development of
manufacturing. These conditions began to undermine the feudal system, which was
based on isolated and self-sufficient economic units, and to make necessary the
creation of large political units. The other cause was the Reformation, which
succeeded in eliminating the restraining influence of the Catholic church on
political development in a number of European countries.
The modern nation-state became a definite
form of government in the 16th century. It was almost entirely dynastic and
autocratic. The will of the reigning monarch, in theory and often in practice,
was unlimited; the famous aphorism of King Louis XIV of France, “L'état,
c'est moi” (“I am the state”), was not an idle boast, but an expression of
existing reality. In time, however, the demand of the bourgeoisie for
constitutional and representative government made itself felt, and the unlimited
powers of monarchs began to be challenged. In England, the Glorious Revolution
in 1688 restricted such powers and established the preeminence of Parliament.
This tendency culminated in two events of historic importance, the American
Revolution, beginning in 1775, and the French Revolution, beginning in 1789.
Historians generally date the rise of modern democratic government from these
The history of government in the 19th century
and in part of the 20th is notable for the broadening of the political base of
government through extension of suffrage and other reforms. A tendency that
became especially marked in the 20th century was the development and
implementation of the concept that government, in addition to maintaining order
and administering justice, must be an instrument for administering public and
social services including, among many others, conservation of natural resources,
scientific research, education, and social security. Between 1945 and 1951, the
Labour Party government of Britain extended the responsibilities of government
to include nationalization of a number of basic industries in a need for
stringent economic planning. Other outstanding developments of the 20th century
were the appearance of the corporative state and of totalitarian governments in
a number of countries, and the first so-called proletarian dictatorship in
history, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. From the late 1940s until the
end of the 1980s, most eastern European countries adjacent to or near the USSR
had governments similar in many respects to that of the USSR.
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