Federal Reserve
System, central banking system of the United States, popularly called the
Fed. A central bank serves as the banker to both the banking community and the
government; it also issues the national currency, conducts monetary policy, and
plays a major role in the supervision and regulation of banks and bank holding
companies. In the United States these functions are the responsibilities of key
officials of the Federal Reserve System, which is made up of a Board of
Governors, located in Washington, D.C., and 12 district Federal Reserve banks,
located throughout the nation. The Fed's actions generally have a significant
effect on U.S. interest rates and, subsequently, on stock, bond, and other
financial markets. See also United States (Economy).
The Federal Reserve's basic powers are
concentrated in the Board of Governors, which is paramount in many policy issues
concerning bank regulation and supervision and in most aspects of monetary
control. The board announces the Fed's policies on both monetary and banking
matters. Because the board is not an operating agency, most of the day-to-day
implementation of policy decisions is left to the district Federal Reserve
banks, stock in which is owned by the commercial banks that are members of the
Federal Reserve System. Ownership in this instance, however, does not imply
control; the Board of Governors and the heads of the Reserve banks orient their
policies to the public interest rather than to the benefit of the private
banking system.
The U.S. banking system's regulatory apparatus
is complex. The Federal Reserve shares authority in some instances—for example,
in approving bank mergers or in examining banks—with other federal agencies such
as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC). In the critical area of regulating the nation's
money supply and influencing interest rates in accordance with national economic
goals, however, the Federal Reserve is independent within the government.
This independence is partially ensured by the
fact that the income and expenditures of the Federal Reserve banks and of the
Board of Governors are not subject to the congressional appropriation process;
the Federal Reserve is self-financing. Its income comes mainly from interest on
Reserve bank holdings of income-earning securities, primarily those of the U.S.
government. Outlays and other charges are mostly for operational expenses in
providing services to the government and for expenditures connected with
regulation and monetary policy.
During the 50 years before the passage of the
Federal Reserve Act of 1913, surging economic growth was interrupted by economic
crises, frequently accompanied by the collapse of the monetary system. The U.S.
banking system was unable to respond flexibly to business cycles (see
Business Cycle).
Under the National Bank Act of 1864, the
banking system was divided into three groups: central reserve city banks (the
first was located in New York City; Chicago, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri,
were added in 1887), reserve city banks (in 16 other large cities), and country
banks. All national banks were required to hold cash reserves, but country banks
could hold a percentage of these deposits in reserve city banks. When country
banks required additional reserves to meet their customers' cash demands, they
would demand their reserves from reserve city banks, which would in turn demand
funds from central reserve city banks. If a reserve bank did not have enough
cash to meet the demand, the entire system would collapse, and the economy would
not have enough cash available to meet the economy’s needs. No mechanism was in
place to create additional cash, and a cash crisis would occur. Banking crises
such as these occurred in 1873, 1884, 1893, and 1907. The panic of 1907 led to
the formation in 1908 of a bipartisan congressional body, the National Monetary
Commission, whose report set the stage for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and a
decentralized, adaptable banking system and monetary authority that could avoid
these crises by providing the currency necessary to meet the economy’s
At the base of the Federal Reserve System are
the member commercial banks. All national, or federally chartered, banks are
required to join the system; membership of state-chartered institutions is
voluntary. Members have to purchase capital stock in their district Federal
Reserve bank in the amount of 6 percent of their capital, excluding retained
earnings, and get the right to vote for six of the nine directors of that
district bank. Stock ownership does not convey control or the financial interest
normally attached to stock in a corporation. The stock may not be sold or used
as collateral and must be returned to the district reserve bank if the
commercial bank ceases to be a member.
The Monetary Control Act of 1980 imposed a
reserve requirement on all depository institutions, including nonmembers of the
Federal Reserve, but it also permits them to borrow from the Federal Reserve and
to use services provided by the Fed, such as check clearing, electronic funds
transfer, and securities safekeeping. By enabling banks to borrow reserves from
the Fed, the liquidity of the entire banking system is increased.
The 12 district reserve banks are located in
the following cities: Boston, Massachusetts; New York City; Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; Cleveland, Ohio; Richmond, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago;
St. Louis; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Kansas City, Missouri; Dallas, Texas; and San
Francisco, California. Each bank is formally responsible to a nine-member board
of directors, which is divided into three classes. Class A and B directors are
elected by the member banks; class C directors are appointed by the Board of
Governors. The board of directors is responsible for the administration of its
bank and for appointing the bank's president and vice president (subject to the
approval of the Board of Governors). The directors also set the discount
rate—that is, the interest rate charged to banks for borrowing from the Reserve
banks—again, subject to review by the Board of Governors.
Reserve banks implement the decisions made
by the Fed's Board of Governors and by their own officers. Their staffs examine
state member banks (national banks are examined by the staff of the Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency; insured nonmember banks are subject to FDIC
examination), decide on granting loans to members, and carry out the routine
banking functions for the federal government. Decisions on whether to allow a
bank to open branches, to merge with another bank, or to form a holding
company (company that offers a broad range of financial services) are often
handled by reserve bank officers. Sales and purchases of securities for the
Federal Reserve System's own account are conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York, which is also the operating arm for international financial
At the top of the Federal Reserve System is
the Board of Governors, which over the years has undergone significant change
both in its responsibilities and its structure. The 1913 act established a
seven-member Federal Reserve Board, consisting of five presidential appointees,
each from a different Federal Reserve district, plus the secretary of the
treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency. Terms of office for the appointees
were initially set at ten years and were staggered, so that no two would end at
the same time; board members could not be removed from office except for cause.
These provisions were meant to help insulate the presidential appointees from
day-to-day politics. The board's powers, nevertheless, were confined to
supervising the reserve banks, with limited power over the discount rate and
little discretion over the structure of the banking industry.
The Banking Act of 1935, which also
finalized the creation of deposit insurance and the FDIC, centralized power in a
Board of Governors, and made all seven members presidential appointees with the
advice and consent of the U.S. Senate; the president also appoints a governor to
serve as Fed chairman for a four-year term. Alan Greenspan was the Fed chairman
from 1987 until 2006, when he was replaced by Ben S. Bernanke. The governors'
terms were expanded to 14 years by the 1935 act, and their powers were also
expanded. For example, discount rates now had to be approved periodically by the
board. Sales and purchases of government securities—the open-market operation
that previously had been managed solely at the discretion of the presidents of
the reserve banks—were centralized in the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC),
consisting of the seven governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, and four other reserve bank presidents serving on a rotating basis.
Since 1935, Congress has given additional powers to the Board of Governors.
These powers include control over mergers, bank holding companies, U.S. offices
of international banks, and the reserves of all depository institutions.
The Fed is best known to the public for the
influence it has on interest rates by “loosening” or “tightening” the money
supply. The term money supply has various technical definitions (see
Money), but basically it is the amount of currency, coin, and checking
account balances available at any one time in the U.S. financial system. The
interest rate that Fed policymakers focus on primarily is the federal funds
rate, the interest rate at which banks lend money to other banks that need to
make loans.
The Federal Reserve's open market operations
are the most flexible and most frequently used instrument of controlling the
money supply and the federal funds rate. When the FOMC decides that the money
supply is growing too slowly to meet the economy’s needs or that interest rates
are too high, the Fed purchases U.S. Treasury securities on the open market—that
is, from the public and banks—thus injecting cash into the financial system and
expanding bank reserves and lowering the federal funds rate. This process
enables banks to loan more money, which helps businesses and consumers and helps
the economy grow faster. Conversely, should the money supply or economy grow
more rapidly than is desired or should interest rates be too low, which may lead
to inflation (a sustained increase in prices), the FOMC will sell
securities of the Department of the Treasury on the open market. Such sales
reduce bank reserves and raise the federal funds rate and thus slow down the
economy. Generally, this reduces the money supply and protects against
Although the open-market operation is the
most flexible and the most frequently used instrument of monetary policy,
similar results can be achieved by changing the required reserve ratio—that is,
the percentage of deposits that banks must maintain on reserve as cash deposits
at the Federal Reserve banks. When the required reserve ratio is raised, banks
are unable to create as much money as they previously were able to because a
larger portion of their assets must be held in reserve; the converse is true
when the reserve ratio is reduced.
Also among its general controls, the Federal
Reserve can make changes in the discount rate, the rate of interest at which the
Fed lends money to banks. By raising the discount rate, the Fed discourages
banks from borrowing money from the Fed. The Fed does this typically when it
wants to reduce the money supply and slow the economy. Conversely, to increase
the money supply and expand the economy, the Fed lowers the discount rate. A
discount rate change may, at times, reinforce open-market operations. It may
also, at times, have an “announcement effect,” signaling a change in the Federal
Reserve's underlying evaluation of economic conditions.
The Federal Reserve also has a narrow role in
regulating operations of the stock market. It may selectively lower or raise the
margin requirement, which is the percentage of a stock price that must be
provided in cash by someone who buys the stock on credit. The margin
requirement, a legacy of depression legislation, aims to curb market
The Credit Control Act of 1969 authorized the
U.S. president to give additional controls to the Federal Reserve. In 1980 the
act was used as a means of controlling various types of consumer credit. The
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 gave the Fed regulatory authority over the new
financial services holding companies. These companies can offer banking, issue
securities (stocks and bonds) and insurance, and other financial services all
“under one roof.” The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 had prohibited banks from
engaging in many of these activities, such as underwriting securities and
insurance, because they were deemed risky at the time.
Most economists today tend to believe that the
policy record of the Federal Reserve has had mixed results during the Fed’s
history and that occasionally Fed actions have increased rather than decreased
economic instability. Many economists would agree, for example, that the Federal
Reserve is partly to blame for the severity of the Great Depression of the 1930s
because the Fed allowed the money supply to shrink dramatically. On the other
hand, many economists believe that the record of price stability during the late
1950s, 1960s, and 1990s was partly due to the Fed's effective monetary policy.
Even this successful anti-inflation policy, however, had its critics who argued
that the tight monetary policy raised interest rates to unusually high levels.
Criticism was muted when both inflation and interest rates steadily dropped
through the mid- and late 1980s and into the early 1990s. Most economists
recognize that some economic problems, such as the negative economic impact of
the oil shortage of the 1980s, are supply-related phenomena that the Federal
Reserve is powerless to resolve.
The Federal Reserve is sometimes considered a
fourth branch of the U.S. government because it is made up of a powerful group
of national policymakers freed from the usual restrictions of governmental
checks and balances. Indeed, the Board of Governors is formally independent of
the executive branch and protected by tenure well beyond that allotted to the
U.S. president. In practice, the president will typically listen carefully to
the Fed’s policy suggestions. The Fed and the president frequently share the
same economic agenda, but sometimes they have different agendas.
The relationship between the Federal Reserve
and Congress is more complex. On the one hand, because it was created by
Congress, the central bank is unmistakably a creature of Congress, being
responsible to it for its mandate and its continued existence. On the other
hand, the self-financing feature of the Federal Reserve prevents Congress from
exercising influence through its budgetary authority. Thus, the Federal Reserve
is relatively free from the partisan political pressures that operate in the
Congress, although the Fed must report frequently to Congress on the conduct of
monetary policy.
See also Banking.
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