Money, any medium of exchange that is widely accepted
in payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts. Money also serves
as a standard of value for measuring the relative worth of different goods and
services. The number of units of money required to buy a commodity is the price
of the commodity. The monetary unit chosen as a measure of value need not,
however, be used widely, or even at all, as a medium of exchange. During the
colonial period in America, for example, Spanish currency was an important
medium of exchange, while the British pound served as the standard of
The functions of money as a medium of exchange
and a measure of value greatly facilitate the exchange of goods and services and
the specialization of production. Without the use of money, trade would be
reduced to barter, or the direct exchange of one commodity for another;
this was the means used in primitive societies, and barter is still practiced in
some parts of the world. In a barter economy, a person having something to trade
must find another who wants it and has something acceptable to offer in
exchange. In a money economy, the owner of a commodity may sell it for money,
which is acceptable in payment for goods, thus avoiding the time and effort that
would be required to find someone who could make an acceptable trade. Money may
thus be regarded as a keystone of modern economic life.
A | Types of Money |
The most important types of money are
commodity money, credit money, and fiat money. The value of commodity money is
about equal to the value of the material contained in it. The principal
materials used for this type of money have been gold, silver, and copper. In
ancient times, various articles made of these metals, as well as of iron and
bronze, were used as money, while among primitive societies commodities such as
shells, beads, elephant tusks, furs, skins, and livestock served as mediums of
exchange. The gold coins that circulated in the United States before 1933 were
examples of commodity money because the value of the gold contained in the coin
was about equal to the value of the coin. Credit money is paper backed by
promises by the issuer, whether a government or a bank, to pay an equivalent
value in the standard monetary metal, such as gold or silver. Paper money that
is not redeemable in any other type of money and the value of which is fixed
merely by government edict is known as fiat money. This is the type of money
found today in the United States in the form of both coins and dollar bills.
Credit money becomes fiat money when the issuing government suspends the
convertibility of credit money into precious metal. Most fiat money began as
credit money, such as the U.S. note known as the greenback, which was issued
during the American Civil War. Most minor coins in circulation are also a form
of fiat money, because the value of the material of which they are made is
usually less than their value as money. For example, the amount of nickel in a
nickel coin today is less than its value as money.
Both the fiat and credit forms of money are
generally made acceptable through a government decree that all creditors must
take the money in settlement of debts; the money is then referred to as legal
tender. If the supply of paper money is not excessive in relation to the needs
of trade and industry and the people feel confident that this situation will
continue, the currency is likely to be generally acceptable and to be relatively
stable in value. If, however, such currency is issued in excessively large
volume in order to finance government needs, confidence is destroyed and it
rapidly loses value. Such depreciation of the currency is often followed by
formal devaluation, or reduction of the official value of the currency, by
governmental decree.
B | Monetary Standards |
The basic money of a country, into which
other forms of money may be converted and which determines the value of other
kinds of money, is called the money of redemption or standard money. The
monetary standard of a nation refers to the type of standard money used in the
monetary system. Modern standards have been either commodity standards, in which
either gold or silver has been chiefly used as standard money, or fiat
standards, consisting of inconvertible currency paper units. The principal types
of gold standard are the gold-coin standard, the standard in the United States
until 1933; the gold-bullion standard consisting of a specified quantity of
gold; and the gold-exchange standard, under which the currency is convertible
into the currency of some other country on the gold standard. The gold-bullion
standard was used in the United Kingdom from 1925 to 1931, while a number of
Latin American countries have used the dollar-exchange standard. Silver
standards have been used in modern times chiefly in Asia. Also, a bimetallic
standard (see Bimetallism) has been used in some countries, under which
either gold or silver coins were the standard currency. Such systems were rarely
successful, largely because of Gresham’s law, which describes the tendency for
cheaper money to drive more valuable money out of circulation.
Most monetary systems of the world at the
present time, including those in Canada and the United States, are fiat systems;
they do not allow free convertibility of the currency into a metallic standard,
and money is given value by government fiat or edict rather than by its nominal
gold or silver content. Modern systems are also described as managed currencies,
because the value of the currency units depends to a considerable extent on
government management and policies. Internally, the monetary systems of Canada
and the United States contain many elements of managed currency; although gold
coinage is no longer permitted, gold may be owned, traded, or used for
industrial purposes.
C | Economic Importance |
Credit, or the use of a promise to pay in
the future, is an invaluable supplement to money today. Most of the business
transactions in the United States use credit instruments rather than currency.
Bank deposits are commonly included in the monetary structure of a country; the
term money supply, in its most narrow definition, denotes currency in
circulation plus bank deposits.
The real value of money is determined by its
purchasing power, which in turn depends on the level of commodity prices.
According to the quantity theory of money, prices are determined largely or
entirely by the volume of money outstanding. Experience has shown, however, that
equally important in determining the price level are the speed of turnover of
money and the volume of production of goods and services. The volume and speed
of turnover of bank deposits are also significant. See National
Like all modern industrialized societies, the
monetary affairs of the United States are managed by a central bank. Central
banks act as banker’s banks, have a monopoly on the issuance of paper money, and
often act as the government’s bank. As late as 1890, there were only about 20
central banks in the world, but by 2000 there were more than 160. In the United
States the dollar is the unit of currency, and the Federal Reserve System is the
central banking system that manages the currency. As the currency for the
largest economy in the world, the U.S. dollar is the dominant world currency and
the currency most often used to conduct international transactions. In 1998 the
U.S. dollar accounted for over 50 percent of all foreign currency deposits.
Dollar deposits are a foreign currency when held by a bank outside the United
States. In 1997, the ten largest banks in the world were headquartered outside
the United States, but the U.S. dollar was the most important world currency.
A | Early Monetary Regulations |
In the American colonies, coins of almost
every European country circulated, with the Spanish dollar predominating.
Because of the scarcity of coins, the colonists also used various primitive
mediums of exchange, such as bullets, tobacco, and animal skins. Many of the
colonies issued paper money that circulated at varying rates of discount. The
first unified currency consisted of the notes issued by the Continental Congress
to finance the American Revolution. These notes were originally declared
redeemable in gold or silver coins, but redemption was found impossible after
the revolution because of the excess of printed notes over metal reserves. Thus,
the notes depreciated and became nearly worthless.
In 1792 Congress passed the first coinage
act, adopting a bimetallic standard under which both gold and silver coins were
to be minted. The gold dollar contained 24.75 grains of pure gold and the silver
dollar 15 times as much silver, making the legal mint ratio 15 to 1 (see
Dollar). At this ratio gold was undervalued at the mint, as compared with
its value as bullion, and very little gold was presented for coinage. Silver
dollars also were largely withdrawn from circulation, because they could be
exported to the West Indies and exchanged at face value for slightly heavier
Spanish dollars, which were then melted down and taken to the mint for coinage
into American dollars at a profit. Until 1834, when Congress adopted a mint
ratio of 16 to 1 by reducing the weight of the gold dollar, the metallic
currency was limited mainly to a meager supply of small silver and copper coins.
The first Bank of the United States, which was chartered by Congress in 1791 for
20 years, and the second Bank of the United States, which existed from 1816 to
1836, issued bank notes that maintained a fairly stable value. Many
state-chartered banks also issued notes that, because of the lax state banking
laws, often greatly depreciated in value. After the closing of the second Bank
of the United States, most of the paper currency consisted of notes of
state-chartered banks and circulated only in a limited area.
After 1834, silver was undervalued at the
mint; its market value was constantly higher than its coin value. As a result,
gold gradually replaced silver in the monetary stock, especially after the
discovery of gold in California in 1849. To relieve the famine in small coins,
in 1853 Congress reduced the weight of the half-dollars, quarters, and dimes by
7 percent. Because the new subsidiary coins were worth more as money than as
bullion, it was possible to keep them in circulation. As a result of a revision
of the coinage laws in 1873 the silver dollar was omitted from the list of coins
authorized for minting. Although the coinage of silver dollars was resumed in
1878, the metallic gold dollar remained the monetary standard of value in the
United States; thus, bimetallism was legally discontinued and the gold standard
adopted. Actually, silver dollars had been an insignificant part of the currency
since early in the century.
During the Civil War (1861-1865) the
governments in both the North and the South financed their needs through the
issue of fiat money. The notes issued by the Confederate treasury and the
Southern states became entirely worthless after the war. The U.S. notes
(greenbacks) and other paper money issued by the federal government also
depreciated rapidly, especially after the suspension of payment in specie
(redemption of paper money with coins, usually of gold or silver) in 1861, and
gold and silver coins were driven out of circulation. In 1863, the National
Banking Act authorized the establishment of national banks that could issue bank
notes backed by government bonds. A 10-percent tax levied on state bank notes in
1865 forced state banks to discontinue issuing them, thus giving the national
banks a monopoly of bank-note issue. The state banks, however, remained an
important element in the banking system.
After the elimination of the silver dollar
in 1873, the greatly expanded production of silver in the West caused the value
of silver to fall sharply and led to agitation by the silver interests for
restoration of the free coinage of the silver dollar. In this effort they were
joined by political groups who favored the free coinage of silver as a means of
improving general economic conditions. This agitation led to the passage of the
Bland-Allison Act in 1878 and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890, under
which the Treasury was directed to purchase larger amounts of silver for
coinage. The former law also created the silver certificate, which remained an
important part of U.S. currency until it was retired in 1968. The Sherman Silver
Act, which introduced into the stream of currency an enormous quantity of
overvalued silver and caused a drastic decline in the gold reserve of the
Treasury, helped bring on the panic of 1893 and was repealed by Congress in that
year. Even so, silver was the main issue in the 1896 presidential campaign, when
William Jennings Bryan called for free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1.
The silver forces were defeated, and in 1900 the Gold Standard Act affirmed the
gold dollar as the standard unit of value.
B | Federal Reserve System |
The next important change in the currency
system was introduced by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which authorized the
establishment of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks, with power to issue two
types of currency (see Federal Reserve System). The first, and most
important, was the Federal Reserve note, which is issued under conditions
consistent with economic stability and the needs of trade and industry. As
member banks require more currency, they can obtain it from the Federal Reserve
banks by drawing on their deposits or borrowing or rediscounting commercial
paper if their deposit balances with the Federal Reserve banks are insufficient.
The second type of Federal Reserve currency, the Federal Reserve Bank note, was
originally intended to replace the national bank notes, but never became a
permanent part of the currency because the Federal Reserve notes proved
adequate. The national bank notes were retired in 1935, but greenbacks are still
part of U.S. paper currency.
C | The Great Depression |
The economic depression and the epidemic
of bank failures in the early 1930s led to sweeping reforms in the nation’s
monetary structure. Executive proclamations issued by President Franklin D.
Roosevelt in March and April 1933 prohibited gold exports except under
government license, and called in all gold and gold certificates from general
circulation, thus ending the gold standard. Under the Gold Reserve Act of
January 30, 1934, the country returned to a modified gold standard with a
devalued dollar. The act gave the president authority to lower the weight of the
gold dollar to between 50 and 60 percent of its former gold content. The
following day the president issued a proclamation reducing the gold content of
the dollar to 59 percent of that established by the Gold Standard Act of 1900,
or from 23.22 to 13.71 grains of fine gold.
The years 1933 and 1934 were also marked
by important legislation regarding silver. Under the Thomas Amendment to the
Emergency Farm Relief Act of May 12, 1933 (commonly known as the Inflation Act),
the president was given the power to restore unlimited coinage of silver under a
bimetallic system. The Silver Purchase Act, which was signed by the president on
June 19, 1934, authorized the nationalization of silver and declared it to be
the policy of the United States to have the silver holdings of the U.S. Treasury
ultimately make up a maximum of one quarter of the value of the nation’s
combined monetary gold and silver stocks. On August 9, 1934, the president
issued an executive order requiring that all silver in the United States, with
the exception of certain categories such as silver coins, fabricated silver, and
silver owned by foreign governments, be delivered to the mints to be coined or
held as bullion for later coinage. Under the Silver Purchase Act and subsequent
legislation the Treasury purchased large quantities of silver abroad and from
domestic producers, which tended to raise the price of the metal and curtail the
monetary use of silver abroad, especially in China and India.
D | Post World War II |
Near the end of World War II (1939-1945)
most of the Allied nations joined together in a conference held at Bretton
Woods, New Hampshire, to set up a new international monetary system, replacing
the international gold standard that had collapsed during the Great Depression.
The conference also provided for the establishment of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF). The U.S. dollar played a key role in the new system, becoming, in
effect, the world’s currency. This was true, first, because all IMF members
defined the value of their own currencies in terms of the dollar and, second,
because the United States agreed to convert all dollars held by foreign
governments into gold on demand and at the exchange rate agreed on when the IMF
was established. Officially, this meant that the world was on a “gold exchange
standard” since governments could change their currencies into gold via the U.S.
So long as the United States had most of
the world’s gold supply, as was true after World War II, this system worked
fairly well. When the quantity of dollars held by foreign governments began to
exceed U.S. gold holdings by large amounts, however, the system started to
falter. By the early 1970s foreign government holdings of U.S. dollars were over
five times greater than the U.S. gold stock. In August 1971 President Richard M.
Nixon suspended gold payments of U.S. dollars. This closing of the “gold window”
effectively ended all ties between the U.S. dollar and either gold or silver.
Since then the United States has had a fully managed currency system, one with
no metallic base whatsoever. United States citizens are free to own, buy, and
sell gold, but its price is determined in the same way as any other freely
traded commodity—on the basis of supply and demand. Gold no longer serves as a
medium of exchange. Federal Reserve notes are overwhelmingly the dominant form
of currency in circulation today.
Several important developments took place in
the U.S. monetary system in the early 1970s. Until 1971 the Federal Reserve
System, also known as the Fed, defined the money supply as equal to the sum of
currency in circulation (excluding bank vault cash) and demand deposits
(checking accounts). This definition of the money supply ignored saving accounts
and time deposits (accounts that earned interest but could not be
withdrawn without penalty until they matured). Monetary authorities and
economists became concerned that estimates of monetary growth could be
misleading if those estimates ignored savings accounts and time deposits. In
1971 the Federal Reserve began publishing measures of broader monetary supplies.
The monetary aggregates were given the names M1, M2, and M3. M1 was comparable
to the original money supply measure—that is, currency in circulation and demand
deposits. M2 equaled M1 plus accounts such as savings accounts and small time
deposits. M3 was an even broader measure, adding in larger time deposits.
The 1970s saw the introduction of many types
of monetary assets. The Federal Reserve continued to fine-tune its measures of
these monetary aggregates. Money market mutual fund shares were added to M2. In
1980 the Federal Reserve began publishing estimates of a broader monetary
aggregate, which was designated L and included M3 plus assets such as short-term
Treasury bills and commercial paper. Over time, economists and monetary
authorities have become less confident of M1 as a single measure of the money
supply and have gravitated to broader monetary aggregates. Financial
deregulation and other innovations have aided the trend toward identifying
broader monetary aggregates as money supply measures. Nevertheless, M1 is still
the best-known measure of money. As of June 2001 it totaled $1.1 trillion.
Also in 1980 the Depository Institutions
Deregulation and Monetary Control Act was passed. It expanded the range of
monetary instruments used by the financial community, gradually eliminated the
ceiling on interest rates that savings and loan institutions are allowed to pay
depositors, and made all banks subject to the reserve requirements of the Fed by
1989. Previously, only federally chartered banks were subject to the Fed.
A third important development occurred in
1982 when the Federal Reserve changed its monetary policy. Monetary policy
involves action to influence the economy’s performance—its output and employment
level as well as the inflation rate—by controlling the money supply and the rate
of interest. The Federal Reserve specifically initiates and carries out monetary
policy. The Fed can increase the reserves of commercial banks, thus making
possible an expansion of the money supply, or it can target interest rates to
accomplish the same purpose. In the late 1970s the Federal Reserve began to
“target” the money supply—that is, the Fed tried to establish a stable rate of
growth for the money supply. But in 1982 the Fed went back to the practice of
targeting interest rates as the primary way of stimulating or tightening the
economy, rather than using its ability to increase the reserves of commercial
Recent experience with policy and
legislation shows that the U.S. monetary system is still evolving. Historically,
the nation has gone from a wholly metallic system, when coins were the primary
money in circulation, to a managed system, in which, aside from the currency in
people’s pockets, most of the money consists of entries in the books of banks.
The 1990s saw a resurgence of the currency component of M1 because of the export
of U.S. currency to areas such as Russia and Latin America where domestic
currencies lost credibility. The global underground economy, also known as the
black market, also draws in significant sums of U.S. currency. By June 2001
currency accounted for 48 percent of M1; the remaining 52 percent of total M1
consisted of checking account and other deposits, much of which came into
existence through borrowing. According to some estimates over half of U.S.
currency has quietly found its way to foreign currencies. The Federal Reserve
System has no way of measuring exactly how much currency is going to foreign
currency. The most popular U.S. currency in foreign countries is the one-hundred
dollar bill. This outflow of currency raises concern about the amount of black
market activity and illegal transactions involving the U.S. dollar. However,
some economists note that the willingness of residents of foreign countries to
hold $100 bills as a financial asset is a positive development for the U.S.
Treasury Department.
See also Coins and Coin Collecting;
Currency; Devaluation; Foreign Exchange; Inflation and Deflation.
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