Marketing, the process by which a product or service
originates and is then priced, promoted, and distributed to consumers. In large
corporations the principal marketing functions precede the manufacture of a
product. They involve market research and product development, design, and
Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers,
or consumers. After determining the customers’ needs and desires, marketers
develop strategies that are designed to educate customers about a product’s most
important features, persuade them to buy it, and then to enhance their
satisfaction with the purchase. Where marketing once stopped with the sale,
today businesses believe that it is more profitable to sell to existing
customers than to new ones. As a result, marketing now also involves finding
ways to turn one-time purchasers into lifelong customers.
Marketing includes planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling the decision-making regarding product lines, pricing,
promotion, and servicing. In most of these areas marketing has overall
authority; in others, as in product-line development, its function is primarily
advisory. In addition, the marketing department of a business firm is
responsible for the physical distribution of the products, determining the
channels of distribution that will be used, and supervising the profitable flow
of goods from the factory or warehouse.
Merchandise that is generally similar in style
or design, but may vary in such elements as size, price, and quality is
collectively known as a product line. Most marketers believe that product lines
must be closely correlated with consumer needs and wants.
Firms tend to change product items and lines
after a period of time to gain a competitive advantage, to respond to changes in
the economic climate, or to increase sales by encouraging consumers to buy a new
model. For example, if the economy weakens, a manufacturer might use cheaper
parts to make a product more affordable. Sometimes, however, manufacturers will
alter the style rather than the quality of the item. Hemlines on dresses, for
example, might go up or down, or the appearance or functionality of an
automobile might be altered. The practice of changing the appearance of goods or
introducing inferior parts or poor workmanship in order to motivate consumers to
replace products is known as planned obsolescence. Some people object that this
practice leads to waste or can be unethical. Manufacturers reply that consumers
are conditioned to expect such changes and welcome the variety they offer, or
they deny that poor quality was intentional.
The popularity of all products eventually
wanes. In fact, successful products go through what is called a product life
cycle, which describes the course of a product’s sales from its introduction and
growth through maturity and decline. Some fad products such as Beanie Babies go
through all four stages in a very short period. For others, such as phonograph
records, the stages extend over decades.
Because products are always aging and sales
of even the most successful products eventually decline, firms must continually
develop and introduce new items. One study found that over 13,000 new products
are introduced each year. But despite the millions of dollars that United States
and Canadian companies invest in product research and consumer testing, it is
estimated that more than 30 percent of new products fail at launch and 60
percent are never fully accepted by consumers and disappear after a few years.
The high failure rate influences the pricing of successful products because
profits from these products must help cover the development costs of products
that fail.
The two basic components that affect product
pricing are costs of manufacture and competition in selling. It is unprofitable
to sell a product below the manufacturer’s production costs and unfeasible to
sell it at a price higher than that at which comparable merchandise is being
offered. Other variables also affect pricing. Company policy may require a
minimum profit on new product lines or a specified return on investments, or
discounts may be offered on purchases in quantity.
Attempts to maintain resale prices were
facilitated for many years in the United States under federal and state fair
trade laws. Since 1975, however, these laws have been nullified, thereby
prohibiting manufacturers from controlling the prices set by wholesalers and
retailers. Such control can still be maintained if the manufacturers wish to
market directly through their own outlets, but this is seldom feasible except
for the largest manufacturers.
Attempts have also been made, generally at
government insistence, to maintain product-price competition in order to
minimize the danger of injuring small businesses. Therefore, the legal
department of a marketing organization reviews pricing decisions.
Advertising, personal (face-to-face) or direct
selling, sales promotion, and relationship building are the primary methods
companies use to promote their products.
Advertising is often used to make consumers
aware of a product’s special low price or its benefits. But an even more
important function of advertising is to create an image that consumers associate
with a product, known as the brand image. The brand image goes far beyond the
functional characteristics of the product. For example, a soft drink may have a
particular taste that is one of its benefits. But when consumers think of it,
they not only think of its taste, but they may also associate it with high
energy, extreme action, unconventional behavior, and youth. All of those
meanings have been added to the product by advertising. Consumers frequently buy
the product not only for its functional characteristics but also because they
want to be identified with the image associated with the brand.
By adding meaning to a product, advertising
also adds value. For example, when Philip Morris Companies Inc. purchased Kraft
Foods, Inc. in 1988 for nearly $13 billion, Philip Morris paid 600 percent more
than Kraft’s factories and inventory were worth. Over 80 percent of the purchase
price was for the current and future value of the Kraft brand, a value that was
created in large part by advertising. Advertising plays such an important role
in promoting products and adding value to brands that most companies spend
considerable sums on their advertising and hire specialized firms, known as
advertising agencies, to develop their advertising campaigns.
Advertising is most frequently done on
television, radio, and billboards; in newspapers, magazines, and catalogs; and
through direct mail to the consumers. In recent years, numerous advertising
agencies have joined forces to become giant agencies, making it possible for
them to offer their clients a comprehensive range of worldwide promotion
services. See Advertising.
Where advertising reaches a mass audience,
personal or direct selling focuses on one customer at a time. That kind of
individual attention makes direct selling expensive, but it also makes it
effective. As the costs of personal selling have risen, the utilization of
salespeople has changed. Simple transactions are completed by clerks.
Salespeople are now used primarily where the products are complex and require
detailed explanation, customized application, or careful negotiation over price
and payment plan. But whether the sale involves an automobile or a customized
computer network, personal selling involves much more than convincing the
customer of the product’s benefits. The salesperson helps the customer identify
problems, works out a variety of solutions, assists the buyer in making
decisions, and provides arrangements for long-term service. Persuasion is only
part of the job. A much more important part is problem solving.
Because the selling process has become much
more complicated, most companies now provide extensive training for the sales
force. The average length of the initial training program is four months. A
training program for new members of the sales force teaches them about such
matters as company history, selling and presentation techniques, listening
skills, the manufacture and use of the company’s products, and the
characteristics of both the industry and its customers. Moreover, because the
sales force plays such a critical role in the marketing process, most companies
provide on-going training for all members of the sales force to help them deepen
their product knowledge and improve their interpersonal and negotiating
With the increasing complexity of business
problems and products, effective sales solutions often require more knowledge
than any one person can master. As a result many companies now use sales teams
to service their largest and most complicated accounts. Such teams might include
personnel from sales, marketing, manufacturing, finance, and technical support.
The purpose of sales promotion is to
supplement and coordinate advertising and personal selling; this has become
increasingly important in marketing. While advertising helps build brand image
and long-term value, sales promotion builds sales volume. Sales promotions are
designed to persuade consumers to purchase immediately by providing special
incentives such as cash rebates, prizes, extra product, or gifts. Promotions are
an effective way to spur sales, but because they involve discount coupons and
contests with valuable prizes, they are also expensive and so reduce
In the past, most advertising and
promotional efforts were developed to acquire new customers. But today, more and
more advertising and promotional efforts are designed to retain current
customers and to increase the amount of money they spend with the company.
Consumers see so much advertising that they have learned to ignore much of it.
As a result, it has become more difficult to attract new customers. Servicing
existing customers, however, is easier and less expensive. In fact, it is
estimated that acquiring a new customer costs five to eight times as much as
keeping an existing one.
To retain current customers, some
companies develop loyalty programs such as the frequent flyer programs used by
many airlines. A marketer may also seek to retain customers by learning a
customer’s individual interests and then tailoring services to meet them.
Amazon.com, for example, keeps a database of the types of books customers have
ordered in the past and then recommends new books to them based on their past
selections. Such programs help companies retain customers not only by providing
a useful service, but also by making customers feel appreciated. This is known
as relationship building.
Some products are marketed most effectively
by direct sale from manufacturer to consumer. Among these are durable equipment
such as computers, office equipment, industrial machinery and supplies, and
consumer specialties such as vacuum cleaners and life insurance. The direct
marketing of products such as cosmetics and household needs is very important.
Formerly common “door to door products,” these are now usually sold by the more
sophisticated “house party” technique.
Many types of products and services now use
direct mail catalogs or have a presence on the World Wide Web. Because many
people are extremely busy, they may find it simpler to shop in their leisure
hours at home by using catalogs or visiting Web sites. Comparison shopping is
also made easier, because both catalogs and e-commerce sites generally contain
extensive product information. For retailers, catalogs and the Web make it
possible to do business far beyond their usual trading area and with a minimum
of overhead. More than 95 percent of the leading 1,000 companies in the United
States sell products over the Internet.
Television is a potent tool in direct
marketing because it facilitates the demonstration of products in use. Direct
sale of all kinds of goods to the public via home-shopping clubs broadcasting on
cable television channels is gaining in popularity. Some companies also use
telephone marketing, called telemarketing, a technique used in selling to
businesses as well as to consumers. Most consumer products, however, move from
the manufacturer through agents to wholesalers and then to retailers, ultimately
reaching the consumer. Determining how products should move through wholesale
and retail organizations is another major marketing decision.
Wholesalers distribute goods in large
quantities, usually to retailers, for resale. Some retail businesses have grown
so large, however, that they have found it more profitable to bypass the
wholesaler and deal directly with the manufacturers or their agents. Wholesalers
first responded to this trend by changing their operations to move goods more
quickly to large retailers and at lower prices. Small retailers fought back
through cooperative wholesaling, the voluntary banding together of independent
retailers to market a product. The result has been a trend toward a much closer,
interlocking relationship between wholesaler and independent retailer.
Retailing has undergone even more changes
than wholesaling. Intensive preselling by manufacturers and the development of
minimum-service operations, such as self-service in department stores, have
drastically changed the retailer’s way of doing business. Supermarkets and
discount stores have become commonplace not only for groceries but for products
as diversified as medicines and gardening equipment. More recently, warehouse
retailing has become a major means of retailing higher-priced consumer goods
such as furniture, appliances, and electronic equipment. The emphasis is on
generating store traffic, speeding up the transaction, and rapidly expanding the
sales volume. Chain stores—groups of stores with one owner—and cooperative
groups have also proliferated. Special types of retailing, such as vending
machines and convenience stores, have also developed to fill multiple needs.
See Retailing.
Transporting and warehousing merchandise are
also technically within the scope of marketing. Products are often moved several
times as they go from producer to consumer. Products are carried by rail, truck,
ship, airplane, and pipeline. Efficient traffic management determines the best
method and timetable of shipment for any particular product.
Marketing efforts once focused primarily on
the selling of manufactured products such as cars and aspirin. But today the
service industries have grown more important to the economy than the
manufacturing sector. Services, unlike products, are intangible and involve a
deed, a performance, or an effort that cannot be physically possessed.
Currently, more people are employed in the provision of services than in the
manufacture of products, and this area shows every indication of expanding even
further. In fact, more than eight in ten U.S. workers labor in such service
areas as transportation, retail, health care, entertainment, and education. In
the United States alone, service industries now account for more than 70 percent
of the gross national product (GNP, the total of all goods and services
produced by a country) and are expected to provide 90 percent of all new jobs by
Services, like products, require marketing.
Usually, service marketing parallels product marketing with the exception of
physical handling. Services must be planned and developed carefully to meet
consumer demand. For example, in the field of temporary personnel, a service
that continues to increase in monetary value, studies are made to determine the
types of employee skills needed in various geographical locations and fields of
business. Because services are more difficult to sell than physical products,
promotional campaigns for services must be even more aggressive than those for
physical commodities.
Marketing research helps businesses identify
consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote products more
successfully. Such research also provides the information upon which important
advertising and marketing decisions are based.
There are two types of research: qualitative
and quantitative. To gain a general impression of the market, consumers, or the
product, companies generally start with qualitative research. This approach asks
open-ended rather than yes or no questions in order to enable people to explain
their thoughts, feelings, or beliefs in detail. One of the most common
qualitative research techniques is the focus group in which a moderator
leads a discussion among a small group of consumers who are typical of the
target market. The discussion usually involves a particular product, service, or
marketing situation. Focus groups can yield insights into consumer perceptions
and attitudes, but the findings cannot be applied to the whole market, because
the sample size is too small. Focus group results, then, are suggestive rather
than definitive.
The insights generated by a focus group are
often explored further through quantitative research, which provides reliable,
hard statistics. This type of research uses closed-ended questions, enabling the
researcher to determine the exact percentage of people who answered yes or no to
a question or who selected answer a, b, c, or d on a questionnaire. One of the
most common quantitative research techniques is the survey in which researchers
sample the opinions of a large group of people. If the sample group is large
enough and is representative of a particular group, such as executives who use
cell phones, statisticians consider the findings statistically valid, which
means that if all consumers in that particular category could be surveyed, the
findings would still be the same. This means that quantitative findings are
conclusive in a way that qualitative findings cannot be.
Of all the forces affecting modern
marketing, perhaps none is more important than globalization. Since the 1980s,
technological advances such as global telephone and computer networks have
reduced geographic and even cultural distance. As a result, companies can now
buy supplies and produce and sell goods in countries far from their home
offices. Products conceived in one country are now being manufactured and then
sold in many others. For example, Sony (Japan), Nestlé (Switzerland), Bic
(France), and Volkswagen (Germany) have become household words around the
Although being able to market goods far from
home presents corporations with many new opportunities, it also means they face
new competition. Local companies that never even considered international
competition now find foreign competitors stocked on shelves right alongside
their own products. Some economists argue that local companies should be
protected from such competition through legislation that regulates the flow of
goods through trade barriers and other measures. Others oppose such regulation,
arguing that it only raises prices for consumers. See also Free
Globalization, however, is only one force
changing the way companies market their products or services. Another involves
changes in the very interests and desires of consumers themselves. Consumers
today are more sophisticated than those of past generations. They attend school
for a much longer period of time; they are exposed to newspapers, magazines,
motion pictures, radio, television, and travel; and they have much greater
interaction with other people. Their demands are more exacting, and their taste
changes more volatile. Markets tend to be segmented as each group calls for
products suited to its particular tastes. “Positioning” the product—that is,
determining the exact segment of the population that is likely to buy a product,
and then developing a marketing campaign to enhance the product’s image to fit
that particular segment—requires great care and planning. This type of campaign
is known as target marketing.
Competition also has sharply intensified, as
the number of firms engaged in producing similar products has increased. Each
firm tries to differentiate its products from those of its competitors. Profit
margins, meaning the profit percentages made by a business per dollar of sales,
are constantly being lessened. Although costs continue to rise, competition
tends to keep prices down. The result is a narrowing spread between costs and
selling prices. An increase in a business’s sales volume is necessary to
maintain or raise profit.
Another force affecting modern marketing is
the influence of the consumer rights or consumer protection movement. This
movement insists on safe, reputable, and reliable products and services. Both
consumer groups and government agencies have intensified their scrutiny of
products, challenging such diverse elements as product design, length and
legitimacy of warranty, and promotional tactics. Warranty and guarantee
practices, in particular, have been closely examined. New legislation has
generally defined and extended the manufacturer’s responsibility for product
Environmental concerns have also affected
product design and marketing, especially as the expense of product modification
has increased the retail cost. Such forces, which have added to the friction
between producer and consumer, must be understood by the marketer and integrated
into a sound marketing program.
Even the way a firm handles itself in public
life—that is, how it reacts to social and political issues—has become
significant. No longer may a corporation cloak its internal decisions as private
affairs. The public’s dissatisfaction with the actions and attitudes of a firm
has sometimes led to a reduction in sales; conversely, consumer enthusiasm,
generated by a firm’s intentional establishment of a good public image or public
relations, has led to increased sales.
The success of specialized marketing
developments has caused many older organizations to revise their operating
methods. In recent years, for example, franchise distribution has become an
important force in retailing. Under this plan, the retailer is given the right
to sell, within a certain area, without competition from another retailer
dealing in the same product.
Many consumers now find it more desirable
to rent products than to purchase them outright. For example, a homeowner may
find it preferable to rent an electric floor polisher when needed, rather than
purchase the appliance at the list price, use it only infrequently, and then
have to provide storage space within the home. Another item consumers have found
easier and less expensive to rent is the automobile. The renting of equipment
also figures in large industry. Corporations are finding it to their economic
advantage to rent computers and office and industrial machinery, thereby
assuring themselves of product servicing and repair and allowing a changeover,
without great expense, to newer equipment models as they become available.
Businesses must strive daily to outdo
competitors. The methods available to businesses for distinguishing their
commodity from others in the market are subject only to their ingenuity. Such
methods may include product improvement, a unique promotional campaign, a new
twist in servicing, a change in distribution channels, or an enticing price
As marketing has become increasingly more
complex, a need has arisen for professional marketers trained in the social
sciences who also possess statistical, mathematical, and computer backgrounds.
Many colleges and universities now have programs designed to train marketing
executives. Courses are offered at the undergraduate and the graduate level in
such specialized fields as advertising, administrative practices, financial
management, production, human relations, retailing, and personnel
In recent years, as many U.S. manufacturing
industries such as steel and automobiles have been weakened because of foreign
competition, marketing departments have become increasingly responsible for
generating profitable sales volume. Thus, their stature in top-level business
decision-making has been enhanced. This trend gives every indication of
continuing in the foreseeable future. As competition continues to increase and
businesses become even more diversified, the marketing profession is likely to
provide more personnel in the ranks of top management.
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