Union, association of workers that seeks to improve the economic and
social well-being of its members through group action.
A labor union represents its members in
negotiations with an employer over all aspects of an employment contract,
including wages and working conditions. These contract negotiations are known as
collective bargaining. By giving workers a united voice, a union can often
negotiate higher wages, shorter hours, and better fringe benefits (such as
insurance and pension plans) than individual workers can negotiate on their own.
When an employer and a union cannot reach an agreement through the collective
bargaining process, the union may conduct a strike (organized work stoppage).
Or, an employer may prevent workers from entering the workplace in a
In many countries, labor unions have official
affiliations with political parties and seek to bring about social change
through legislative and political action. In other countries, including the
United States, no formal ties of this kind exist. The United States has a
tradition of so-called business unionism, in which the main goal of the labor
movement is to improve wages and working conditions. Unions in the United
States, however, often engage in political activities. These activities include
lobbying for legislation that furthers the aims of the labor movement and
providing financial support to political candidates who are friendly to union
In the early 19th century all aspects of the
employment contract, including wages and hours of work, usually resulted from
direct negotiation between employers and individual workers. Because of the
imbalance of power, such negotiations favored employers. Labor unions began to
form in the 19th century to help relieve the damaging effects of
industrialization on workers, especially the long hours and low pay that factory
work entailed. The earliest organizations of workers in the United States
appeared in New York City and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shortly before 1800.
These organizations represented the crafts of printers and shoemakers.
Social and political sentiment against unions
was widespread in Europe and North America at first. Many governments considered
unions to be illegal associations or conspiracies in the restraint of trade.
However, after 1900 unions gained strength and governments began to make efforts
to prevent industrial strife.
The U.S. Congress began to pass labor
relations laws in the 1930s, as part of the social and political reforms
constituting the New Deal. These laws gave workers in the private sector of the
economy the right to bargain collectively through a union. They also established
procedures outlining how workers can select a union to represent them in the
collective bargaining process, and they outlawed unfair practices by employers.
Public-sector workers—government employees—began to gain most of these rights in
the 1960s. Many public-sector workers, however, still do not have the right to
Prior to the 1930s, fewer than 13 percent of
nonagricultural workers in the United States belonged to unions. By the early
1950s, about a third were unionized. A steady decline in union membership began
in the 1960s, and the decline accelerated in the 1980s. In 2004, about 12.5
percent of wage and salary workers, or about 15 million workers, belonged to
unions, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The
sharp decline in union membership in the private sector meant that only 7.9
percent of private-sector workers, about 8 million workers, were unionized in
2004, according to the BLS, which is part of the Department of Labor. The
decline in union membership has also occurred in other developed countries. In
Britain, the Trades Union Congress represents nearly 7 million workers, or about
30 percent of the nonagricultural workforce, but its power and membership
declined during the 1980s and 1990s. In France, union membership fell by more
than one-third from 1985 to 1995, and in 2000 unions represented less than 10
percent of wage earners there. Unions represented about 25 percent of Germany’s
nonagricultural workforce and about 65 percent of Italy’s.
This article deals primarily with unions in
the United States. For information about the history, role, and organization of
unions in Canada, see Labor Unions in Canada. For a history of the labor
movement in the United States, see Labor Unions in the United States.
In the United States, workers can become
members of a union by voting to certify a union as their collective bargaining
agent. Voting typically occurs after 30 percent of the workers petition for a
certification election. The union wins the right to represent the workers if it
obtains the votes of a simple majority (more than 50 percent) of the
workers who will make up the bargaining unit. If the union wins the
certification election, management has a legal obligation to bargain in good
faith with the union chosen by the workers. Workers who become dissatisfied with
their union representation can use the same process to petition for a
de-certification election.
Some states give workers the right not to join
a union even if they work in a unionized establishment. These laws, called
right-to-work laws, prohibit unions from requiring that workers become union
members as a condition of employment in unionized firms. In 2000, 21 states had
right-to-work laws.
If agreement on the terms of the employment
contract cannot be reached through collective bargaining, the union has the
right to strike. A strike occurs when union members withhold their labor from
the firm, effectively shutting down operations. The firm can also initiate a
lockout, which prevents union workers from entering the firm’s premises. The
federal government can delay a strike action in industries considered vital to
the public interest, such as railroads. It does so by ordering a cooling-off
period, during which the workers must return to work. The cooling-off period
typically lasts 80 days.
Various factors influence the extent of union
organization. The most important factors are the economic situation, the legal
environment, and the success of union organizers.
A | The Economic Situation |
Because workers in the United States can
freely choose whether to join unions, economists argue that workers will vote
for certification only if the union can make the worker better off. However,
improvements in employment conditions come at a cost. The union’s demands—for
higher wages, shorter hours, or more valuable fringe benefits—typically raise
the firm’s costs of production. These higher costs may encourage the firm to cut
back on its employment, perhaps by laying off some workers or by subcontracting
with cheaper labor markets in other states or countries.
The transfer of union jobs to nonunion
workers, a phenomenon known as the runaway shop, occurred in the textile
industry during the 1950s and 1960s, when many New England textile manufacturers
moved their factories from the unionized Northeast to the nonunion South. Today
this phenomenon also occurs as outsourcing, in which an employer subcontracts
work to a nonunion firm to lower labor costs. This potential reaction to higher
labor costs can severely limit the extent of union power. Some unions,
especially in the crafts, have negotiated contracts that prohibit such
When considering whether to join a union,
a worker must evaluate the tradeoff between better employment conditions and a
higher likelihood of layoffs. From this perspective, a union has the greatest
likelihood of success in an economic environment where the firm is least likely
to respond to increases in labor costs. Firms that sell goods and services for
which there are few substitutes, for example, typically can easily pass on cost
increases to consumers and earn higher profits. These firms, which have some
degree of monopoly power, usually can best afford to pay the increased costs of
the union demands.
B | The Legal Environment |
The legal environment, which permits
certain types of union activities and prohibits others, also influences the
extent of union organization. States with right-to-work laws have much lower
unionization rates than other states. In the United States, the states with the
lowest unionization rates are North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, and
Arkansas—states that have right-to-work laws. In 2000 the unionization rate in
these states ranged from 4.44 percent to 6.7 percent. The states without
right-to-work laws and with the highest unionization rates were Alaska, Hawaii,
Michigan, New York, and New Jersey, with rates ranging from 21.8 percent to 26.5
Union political activity has succeeded in
some areas in creating a legal environment that benefits both unionized and
nonunionized workers. As a result many workers today, even those who do not
belong to unions, enjoy the benefits that union members have. For example, most
developed countries, including the United States, have enacted various forms of
protective legislation to guarantee worker rights and provide standards for the
workplace even in nonunion settings. Protective legislation sets minimum wages,
maximum hours of work, and conditions for triggering overtime pay. Other forms
of protective legislation limit workers’ exposure to risky working conditions
and hazardous substances and grant workers the right to receive unemployment
compensation, disability insurance, and old-age pensions. Numerous laws in the
United States and other countries, enacted from the 1960s on, prohibit
employment discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, age, and
disability. Such legislation extends to the entire work force—unionized and
nonunionized—provisions that are typically found in collective bargaining
agreements. The extension of provisions that unions once fought for has lessened
the incentive for today’s workers to join a union.
C | Union Organizers |
Finally, the success of union organization
depends on the ability of union organizers (union representatives who
help workers form unions). Organizers inform workers of their rights and of the
benefits of union membership, and organizers help workers take the necessary
steps to hold a certification election. They also inform the public about issues
affecting labor and inform the government of any violations of workers’ rights
on the part of employers.
Traditionally, there have been two main
types of labor unions in the United States: craft unions and industrial unions.
A craft union organizes workers employed in the same occupation or craft,
regardless of where they work. Examples include unions of electricians,
carpenters, and printers. Craft unions descend from the guilds of printers and
shoemakers that started the labor movement in the United States.
The American Federation of Labor (AFL),
which formed in 1886, became the country’s first organization of craft unions.
Samuel Gompers, leader of the cigar-makers union, served as the first president
of the AFL. Under his leadership, the AFL set out a list of principles that
guided the federation for many decades and that encouraged many of the national
craft unions to join. The AFL gave each affiliated national craft union complete
autonomy over its internal affairs and granted the national craft union
exclusive jurisdiction over organizing workers employed in that craft.
The second type of union, the industrial
union, organizes all workers in a particular industry, regardless of the
workers’ crafts. Examples of industrial unions include the United Steelworkers
of America and the United Mine Workers of America (UMW). These unions organize
all workers in the steel industry and the mining industry respectively,
regardless of the workers’ particular tasks. The Committee for Industrial
Organization, formed within the AFL in 1935 by UMW president John L. Lewis,
sought to organize workers by industry, including unskilled workers.
The committee was expelled from the AFL in
1938 and took the name Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), becoming the
first federation of industrial unions in the United States. The expulsion
stemmed from the conflict between the older craft unions, which claimed
organizational jurisdiction over all workers in a particular craft, and the
newer industrial unions, which organized all workers in a particular industry.
In 1955 the two federations merged and formed the AFL-CIO as the central
organization in the American labor movement. The head of the AFL at the time,
George Meany, became the first president of the new federation.
The traditional distinction between craft
and industrial unions no longer provides a neat summary of the union situation
in the United States because of changes in the economy and the political
environment. Older craft and industrial unions mainly organized blue-collar
workers in the private sector. The last decades of the 20th century saw
increased organization of professional workers in unions such as the American
Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the Professional Nurses Association. Many of
these unions have grown rapidly. From 1971 to 1995 the membership of the
American Federation of Teachers, for example, rose from 194,000 to 613,000.
Unionism in the public sector has also grown
rapidly, spurred by laws of the 1960s that extended the right to collective
bargaining to government workers. From 1971 to 2000, the membership of the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) grew from
458,000 to 1.3 million. However, public-sector unions face a different economic
environment than private-sector unions. Limits on the demands of private-sector
unions arise from the higher costs these demands potentially incur for firms. A
private-sector firm may close down, lay off workers, or move out of the area to
avoid higher labor costs. Public-sector “firms”—primarily, government
agencies—rely on taxes to pay employees’ salaries. Although they are unlikely to
shut down, the ability of a local government to pay for union demands is limited
by the local tax base. However, public-sector workers may become a potent
political force in some localities and increase the power of their unions.
National unions represent workers from
throughout the United States and in some cases workers in other countries,
chiefly Canada. Most national unions also have local branches, known as locals,
which represent workers in a city or a particular plant. Locals follow the
policies of the national union. Some unions also have regional councils, which
represent various locals within a region. About 50 national unions are
affiliated with the AFL-CIO. In 2005 a major split occurred in the AFL-CIO when
three of the largest unions—the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
with 1.8 million members, the Teamsters Union with 1.4 million members, and the
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW)—withdrew to form
the Change to Win Coalition.
A | Levels of Organization |
Union members in the United States
typically belong to a local. The local in a craft union may represent all
members of that craft who reside in a particular geographic area, usually a city
or a metropolitan area. Local 32 of the International Union of Bricklayers and
Allied Craft Workers, for example, covers workers employed in those trades in
Detroit, Michigan, and surrounding counties. The local in an industrial union,
on the other hand, typically represents all workers employed at a particular
workplace operated by a firm in that industry. Local 325 of the United
Automobile Workers of America (UAW), for example, represents workers employed at
the Ford plant in St. Louis, Missouri.
The AFL-CIO represents the interests of
its affiliated unions before the American public, the federal government, and
international forums, including the International Labor Organization (ILO), an
agency that is associated with the United Nations (UN). The main objective of
the AFL-CIO is to provide a single, national voice for the diverse unions under
its umbrella, to engage in political lobbying for policies and legislation
favorable to labor, and to support political candidates who are sympathetic to
labor’s social and economic agenda. The newly formed Change to Win Coalition is
primarily dedicated to organizing nonunion workers. It also calls for unions to
merge into larger organizations so that they will have more clout in negotiating
with multinational corporations.
B | Roles of Each Level |
Each tier in the union organization plays
a different role in the collective bargaining process. The AFL-CIO itself does
not engage in collective bargaining with employers, although it may help
influence the negotiations through its support for a striking union. The roles
of the local and national union often depend on the unionized firm’s market. If
the firm provides goods and services mostly to a local economy—as a construction
firm typically does—then the local union plays the central role in collective
bargaining, because it has more familiarity with employment conditions at the
firm and with the local economic environment. The national union may provide
expertise and guidance during negotiations, but local officials make the key
decisions. If the unionized firm serves a national or international market, as
in the case of automobile manufacture, the national union then takes the lead in
the collective bargaining process.
Large employers typically have labor
relations or personnel departments that deal with problems in the negotiation
and day-to-day administration of labor agreements. Because officials of local
unions have firsthand knowledge of working conditions at unionized firms, these
officials deal directly with such departments to ensure compliance with the
provisions of the agreement. Most collective bargaining agreements provide for
the filing of grievances in regard to alleged violations of the agreement.
Management, the union, or individual employees can file a grievance. The
agreements also state that unresolved grievances may be submitted to arbitration
for a final decision. See also Labor Relations.
The AFL-CIO and national unions typically
engage in political lobbying. The AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education
lobbies and sponsors advertising campaigns on issues of concern to the labor
movement. It also funds candidates who are supportive of labor issues. National
unions often play a major role in political debate over social policy issues
that are of particular concern to their members. The unions provide information
about the candidates’ positions on issues likely to concern the union
membership. National unions also provide funding to political candidates that
support the union’s goals. In 1995 and 1996 various political action committees
of the labor movement contributed $48 million to federal political
The AFL-CIO also operates an Organizing
Institute, created in 1989, which holds training programs for people interested
in becoming union organizers. Union organizers assist workers in nonunion
establishments to certify a union as their collective bargaining representative.
A trained union organizer can help workers overcome employer opposition and can
guide workers through the procedures of a certification election. The institute
places the graduates of the program in organizing campaigns in affiliated
national unions.
C | Union Structure |
In the United States, unions have a
democratic management structure because union members elect the chief officers.
These elections typically take place at the local unions or at a national union
convention. Such elections must occur at least once every five years. Within
this structure, unions vary widely.
The AFL-CIO itself holds a convention every
two years. Delegates to this convention, who represent the affiliated national
unions, elect a president to a two-year term. John J. Sweeney, former president
of the SEIU, won election as president of the AFL-CIO at the federation's
biennial convention in 1995 and has won reelection thereafter. An executive
council supervises the day-to-day management of the AFL-CIO. This council
consists of the president, executive vice president, secretary-treasurer, and
about 50 vice presidents, most of them presidents of national unions affiliated
with the AFL-CIO. The executive council plays a role similar to that of a board
of directors in a corporation.
The UAW holds a convention every three
years. Local unions elect delegates to this convention by secret ballot, and any
member in good standing of the autoworkers’ union is eligible to run for
delegate. The delegates elect the president, secretary-treasurer, and other
officials for three-year terms. The UAW executive board consists of many of
these elected officials.
Most of the power in the national union
typically resides in the elected president. In many cases the union president
acts as chief negotiator in bargaining with management. After a collective
bargaining agreement is reached, it must receive approval by a vote of either
the executive council or the entire union membership.
D | Union Services |
American unions collect dues from their
members. Union dues average about 1 percent of a worker’s annual income. In 1997
members of the UAW paid 1.15 percent of their monthly income in dues—equivalent
to two hours’ pay. Unions use these fees for a variety of purposes. The UAW, for
example, allocates 38 percent of the dues to the local union, 32 percent to the
national union’s general fund, and 30 percent to the strike insurance fund. The
local and national unions use these funds for union activities and for paying
organizers and other staff members who take part in collective bargaining and
hearing grievances. The strike fund supports union members during a walkout or a
lockout, when they receive no pay. During contract negotiations, a large strike
fund helps convince employers that the union is prepared to strike, thereby
strengthening the union’s bargaining power.
Local unions typically hold membership
meetings at a regularly scheduled time and place. These meetings give members
valuable information about working conditions and provide social opportunities.
The local leadership can also learn about the grievances and concerns of the
members. In many unions, these meetings are poorly attended. Within each
unionized firm, at least one worker is chosen to act as shop steward or union
delegate. These union representatives handle day-to-day grievances of their
Membership in some craft unions requires
completion of an apprenticeship while training to become a skilled tradesperson,
such as electrician or plumber. After the apprenticeship the worker becomes an
experienced journeyman. Craft union regulations typically limit the number of
apprentices relative to the number of journeymen in the union. Apprentices
typically face a different pay scale, earning 60 to 90 percent of a journeyman’s
wage. Apprenticeship regulations serve to ensure proper training in the trade,
but they also regulate entry into the trade and limit membership in the union.
Because apprenticeship regulations limit the supply of workers, they increase
wages in these occupations.
The United Association of Journeymen and
Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry has the oldest nationally
registered apprenticeship program, with 17,000 apprentices in the United States
and Canada. This apprenticeship program lasts five years and provides both
classroom and on-the-job training. Each apprentice must obtain 1,700 to 2,000
hours annually of on-the-job training and at least 216 hours of related
classroom instruction, including courses in mathematics and drawing.
Unions provide many other services to
their workers, although the nature of these services varies greatly from union
to union. Many unions offer low-cost credit cards and subsidized mortgage loans
to their members. Some have scholarship programs for members and their
dependents. Some union services help members advance in their careers. For
example, the Amalgamated Transit Union, which covers many transit workers,
assists members in obtaining commercial driver’s licenses.
Historically, unions in the United States have
bargained for improved working conditions, particularly higher wages. Unionized
jobs in the United States pay substantially higher wages than nonunion jobs,
even after taking into account skill differences among workers employed in
different establishments.
A | Wages and Benefits |
Overall, the gap in wages between unionized
workers and nonunion workers is about 15 percent in the United States, with
unionized workers receiving higher wages. This union wage gap varies by skill
level and changes over time. Unions tend to increase the wages of less-skilled
workers by a larger percentage than they raise the wages of more-skilled workers
because they have had greater success at organizing less-skilled workers. The
union wage gap for low-wage workers averages about 30 percent; for high-wage
workers, about 10 percent. During a recession (economic downturn), unions
often help their members maintain a higher economic status than nonunion workers
in comparable jobs, because the union wage gap typically tends to widen during
Economists argue that the impact of unions
on wages extends beyond unionized firms for two reasons. First, so-called threat
effects may lead nonunion employers to pay higher wages to keep workers
satisfied and thereby lower the chances of a successful union organizing drive.
Second, unions may have spillover effects on nonunion workers. If unionized
firms layoff many workers in response to higher labor costs, these laid-off
workers may enter the nonunion sector. This increase in the labor supply could
then lower the wages of nonunion workers, according to the law of supply and
Government regulations in the United States
also ensure that the results of collective bargaining agreements are sometimes
transmitted to the nonunion sector. For example, a provision in the Davis-Bacon
Act of 1931 requires that workers employed in federally subsidized construction
projects receive what is called a prevailing wage. The U.S. Department of Labor
has typically interpreted the prevailing wage for such projects to be the union
wage for construction workers in the locality. Economists estimate that the
prevailing-wage provision increases the costs of these construction projects by
as much as 25 percent, by increasing the wages of nonunion labor used in the
The collective bargaining agreement also
has an important effect on the fringe benefits offered by firms. Fringe benefits
include health and life insurance, vacation and sick days, pensions, and
bonuses. The value of fringe benefits averages 20 percent of the wage in
unionized firms but only 15 percent of the wage in nonunion firms. Because union
workers earn more, they receive fringe benefits worth more than those received
by nonunion workers.
B | Working Conditions |
In addition to wages and fringe benefits,
unions also bargain over hours of work and other working conditions. The
eight-hour day formed an important demand of the early union movement in the
United States, when many workers routinely put in 12-hour or longer days, six
days a week. Today, unions and management routinely bargain over tuition
remission (partial reimbursement of tuition fees), cost-of-living
adjustments (increases in wages because of inflation), safety and health
protections on the job, maternity and paternity leaves (paid or unpaid
leave following the birth of a child), and various types of detailed work rules,
indicating the tasks that a unionized worker can and cannot do.
In the absence of unions, workers do not
have an established mechanism for informing employers of grievances about
working conditions, wages, or other aspects of the employment relationship. If a
single worker were to complain, the employer might respond by demoting or firing
the worker. Nonunion workers typically register their dissatisfaction by “voting
with their feet”—that is, by leaving the firm. Because unions give workers a
recognized channel for airing grievances, labor turnover is lower in unionized
firms. Collective bargaining thus leads to a more stable workforce.
The first associations of workers, merchant
guilds and craft guilds, formed during the Middle Ages in Europe (see
Guild). Merchant guilds, which arose in the 11th century, consisted of the
merchants and traders in a city who banded together. Craft guilds, first formed
in the 12th century, included people who were engaged in a particular craft, and
they gradually deprived merchant guilds of their power. In time, journeymen
members of craft unions organized their own associations to seek higher wages
and improved working conditions. These associations are considered the
forerunners of labor unions because of their emphasis on wages and working
The earliest actual labor unions arose in
Western Europe and the United States at the end of the 18th century and the
beginning of the 19th century. They were formed by skilled crafts workers in
reaction to the rapid changes in the economic environment brought about by
industrialization. The concentration of work in large factories left workers
increasingly dependent upon their employers.
A | Unions in Europe |
The early labor unions in Europe
encountered resistance from employers and government. In England, laws passed in
1799 and 1800 declared that combinations of workers to improve their wages or
hours were illegal conspiracies in restraint of trade. Similar restrictive labor
laws were passed in other European countries.
Gradually, social reformers pressed for
laws to relieve the effects of industrialization on workers. England passed a
law requiring government factory inspectors in 1833. France enacted a
child-labor law in 1841, and Austria followed suit the next year. Barriers to
unions were slowly lifted as well. Resistance from employers, however, made many
early labor laws and unions ineffective. This resistance to labor reforms helped
lead to revolutionary movements in Europe. German political philosopher Karl
Marx, for example, argued that the exploitation of labor would lead the working
classes to overthrow their governments and set up a socialist, classless society
of shared resources. In various European countries, both democratic and
nondemocratic, workers’ movements began to advocate socialism and, after the
Russian Revolution of 1917, communism.
A number of European political parties
that began with socialist goals continue to represent labor, although today they
have much broader bases of support and platforms. These political parties
include Britain’s Labour Party, Germany’s Social Democratic Party, France’s
Socialist Party, and Italy’s Democratic Party of the Left (formerly Communist
B | Unions in the United States |
Early efforts to organize workers in the
United States were short-lived, often collapsing after an economic downturn.
Strikes, labor unrest, and the occasional riot increased antiunion sentiment.
After 1900 unions began to gain strength, and the government made efforts to
prevent industrial strife.
B1 | Hostility to Unions |
Until the Great Depression of the 1930s,
social attitudes and the political climate in the United States were not
favorable to labor unions. In the Loewe v. Lawlor decision of
1908, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld a judgment against the
United Hatters of North America because the union had organized a consumer
boycott against a nonunion producer in Danbury, Connecticut (see Danbury
Hatters Case). The Supreme Court based its decision on the view that the actions
of the hatters’ union reduced the flow of goods in interstate commerce and thus
constituted restraint of trade in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. In
subsequent decisions, the Court used the antitrust analogy to outlaw strikes
that affected interstate commerce. This interpretation of antitrust laws
remained in force until 1940. The unfriendly social, legal, and political
environment kept union membership in check.
Employers also made frequent use of
so-called yellow-dog contracts. These contracts stipulated that as a condition
of employment, the worker agreed not to join a union. When unions attempted to
organize workers who had signed these contracts, the courts found them guilty of
a breach of contract. In 1908 the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of
yellow-dog contracts in Adair v United States, which overturned a
federal law of 1898 that had prohibited such contracts.
B2 | Changes in the Law |
As part of the legislative program
associated with the New Deal, the legal environment regulating the relationship
between labor unions and private-sector firms began to change in the 1930s.
Worker protests and strikes were also instrumental in bringing about changes in
the political climate. Four major pieces of federal legislation now regulate the
labor movement in the United States:
The Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction
Act of 1932 restricts the employer’s use of court orders to hamper union
organizing drives and limit strikes. It also made yellow-dog contracts
unenforceable in federal courts.
The National Labor Relations Act of
1935, also known as the Wagner Act, defines a set of unfair labor
practices for employers. It requires that employers bargain with unions and not
interfere with the worker’s right to organize. Among the specific unfair labor
practices prohibited are firing workers involved in union activities and
discriminating against workers who support a union. The act also established the
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent government agency that can
investigate unfair labor practices and order the stop of such practices. The
NLRB also runs certification elections in which workers decide if a particular
union is to represent them in collective bargaining.
The Labor-Management Relations Act of
1947, also known as the Taft-Hartley Act, curbed union power by
permitting states to pass right-to-work laws. These laws prohibit unions
from requiring that workers become union members as a condition of employment in
unionized firms. The Taft-Hartley Act also gave workers the right to hold
elections that would decertify a union from representing them in collective
bargaining. This emphasis on the rights of workers not to join unions and
not to participate in collective bargaining represented another shift in
the political climate regarding labor.
The Labor-Management Reporting and
Disclosure Act of 1959, known as the Landrum-Griffin Act, requires the complete
disclosure of union finances. The Landrum-Griffin Act also requires unions to
hold regularly scheduled elections so as to make the leadership more accountable
to the members.
Labor policy was also influenced by the
executive branch. Executive Order 10988, issued by President John F. Kennedy in
1962, granted federal government workers the right to organize. Until then,
federal workers were prohibited from joining unions. A number of state laws
later extended the right to organize to state and local government workers in
many jurisdictions. Only 18.5 percent of public-sector workers belonged to
unions in 1970. By 1999 this percentage had risen to 37.3 percent.
B3 | Economic Changes and Unionization Rates |
The most striking feature of the
American union movement today is a steady decline in private-sector unionization
rates that began in the mid-1960s. The period since then has witnessed major
changes in the structure of the U.S. economy. In 1970, 26.4 percent of American
workers worked in manufacturing, and 25.9 percent worked in the service sector.
By 1998, manufacturing employed 15.8 percent of workers, and the service sector
employed 35.9 percent. The location of jobs also shifted. In 1970 only 48
percent of the population lived in Southern and Western states, which tend to
have less favorable environments for union organizing, such as right-to-work
laws. By 1999, 58 percent of the population lived in these states. Finally, the
participation of women in the workforce increased markedly. This trend dampens
unionization rates because women have historically been less likely than men to
join unions.
In addition to these structural economic
changes, other factors also help determine trends in union membership. Within
industries and occupations, within states, and within demographic groups,
unionization rates have dropped drastically.
Experts attribute part of the decline in
the union movement to changes in workers’ voting patterns in union certification
elections. The NLRB holds an election to certify a union as a collective
bargaining agent after 30 percent of the workers petition for such an election.
The union can represent the workers if it obtains a simple majority of the
workers who will make up the bargaining unit. In 1955 unions won over two-thirds
of representation elections. By 1990 unions won only 47 percent of the
The worsening performance of unions in
certification elections results partly from an increase in aggressive antiunion
tactics by management. There are many ways in which management activities can
reduce the success of union organizing drives. These include the filing of
petitions to delay the certification election and the hiring of consultants to
handle the management campaign, sending out letters to workers, and giving
so-called captive-audience antiunion speeches in the workplace. These activities
reduce the likelihood of union representation.
Management has stepped up antiunion
activities in part owing to a rise in foreign competition as well as to the
deregulation of certain unionized industries, such as trucking, airlines, and
railroads. The tide of foreign goods flowing into the United States today
captures part of the profits that would previously have been shared between
firms and workers in the affected industries. Deregulation, which began in the
late 1970s, introduced competitive forces into the marketplace and also
diminished profits. When faced with foreign competition or a less regulated
environment, firms resist much more strongly union wage demands and the
introduction of union work rules.
The political climate that unions face
has also changed. This change is best exemplified by President Ronald Reagan’s
successful break of a strike called by federal air traffic controllers in 1981.
Citing federal law that banned government employees from striking, Reagan
ordered the firing of thousands of controllers. This event signaled a remarkable
shift in the political power of unions in the United States.
C | Current Trends in Organized Labor |
Overall, the labor movement in the United
States seems to be in a state of long-run decline. Membership has declined from
a peak of 35 percent of the workforce in 1954 to 12.5 percent in 2004. Unions in
the nonmanufacturing sector, however, experienced great growth in the last
decades of the 20th century. Many of the fastest-growing and most active unions
represent public employees and service workers, such as those in the SEIU.
Teachers and social workers, as well as transit and sanitation workers, have
conducted prolonged strikes in many major cities and made substantial economic
gains. The unionization of professionals represents a potential growth area for
the future. In the health-care sector, for example, many professionals now work
for large organizations, such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and
other forms of managed care that have gained economic importance. These
organizations, together with the health insurance industry, play a key role in
determining the working conditions of health care professionals. To regain
greater control over working conditions, these professionals have begun to
unionize. The American Medical Association (AMA), for example, voted in 1999 to
form a union of doctors to negotiate with HMOs.
The traditional sectors of the labor
movement also have shown signs of resurgence. These signs include the election
of reformer John Sweeney as president of the AFL-CIO and a new commitment by the
federation to fund and support union organizing drives. An action widely
interpreted as a victory for labor was Congress’s refusal in 1997 to grant the
U.S. president fast-track authority to negotiate future trade deals. Pacts such
as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), negotiated by the
administration of President Bill Clinton, remove tariffs and effectively send
jobs out of the United States to factories in countries where labor is cheaper.
Also in 1997, Ron Carey, then president of the Teamsters Union, led a successful
strike against United Parcel Service of America (UPS). After 15 days the company
agreed to most of the union demands. Unions have also won victories in textile
mills in the South in recent years. In 1999 textile workers at six textile
plants in North Carolina voted to join the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and
Textile Employees (UNITE).
Other signs point to recurring turmoil in
the labor movement. Shortly after the Teamsters victory over UPS, high-ranking
officials in the Teamsters union were convicted of fundraising irregularities in
Carey’s 1996 reelection campaign. The fundraising scandal invalidated the
election results and disqualified Carey from running in a new election. He was
later expelled from the union.
In the late 20th century awareness
increased of the need to overhaul the legal environment that regulates the
relationship between workers and employers. In 1993 the Clinton Administration
appointed a Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations, headed by
John Dunlop, secretary of labor under President Gerald Ford. The Dunlop
Commission included representatives from the business, labor, and academic
communities. The commission investigated methods to improve labor-management
cooperation and use employee participation to enhance worker productivity. It
also reviewed changes that could be made in the legal framework to enhance
cooperation and reduce conflict and delay in the workplace.
The Dunlop Commission recommended increased
flexibility in accepting employee participation programs in nonunion
establishments. Many programs that provide a forum for workers and management to
discuss work-related issues in nonunion settings could be considered illegal
under current regulations. The commission also recommended streamlining the
process required for workers to elect a union as their collective bargaining
agent. The Dunlop Commission released its recommendations shortly before the
1994 election of a Republican Congress, and the new Congress took no action on
those recommendations.
Perhaps the biggest sign of turmoil in the
labor movement occurred in 2005 when the SEIU, the Teamsters Union, and the UFCW
split from the AFL-CIO. Despite the reputation of Sweeney as a reformer, his
successor as head of the SEIU, Andrew Stern, grew dissatisfied with the
continuing decline in union membership and the reluctance of the AFL-CIO to
shift a substantial portion of its budget to union organizing efforts. Stern,
Teamsters president James Hoffa, and UFCW president Joe Hansen proposed that 50
percent of AFL-CIO dues money be used for organizing. When their proposal was
rejected by the AFL-CIO’s executive committee, the three union leaders withdrew
from the labor federation and called on other unions to join their Change to Win
Coalition. Three other major unions—the Laborers’ International Union of North
America, the United Farm Workers of America, and UNITE HERE—joined the
coalition. UNITE HERE threatened to leave the AFL-CIO as well.
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