Labor, designation formerly applied to the practice of employing young
children in factories, now used to denote the employment of minors generally,
especially in work that may interfere with their education or endanger their
health. Throughout the ages and in all cultures children joined with their
parents to work in the fields, in the marketplace, and around the home as soon
as they were old enough to perform simple tasks. The use of child labor was not
regarded a social problem until the introduction of the factory system.
During the latter part of the 18th century in
Britain, owners of cotton mills collected orphans and children of poor parents
throughout the country, obtaining their services merely for the cost of
maintaining them. In some cases children five and six years of age were forced
to work from 13 to 16 hours a day.
Social reformers attempted as early as 1802 to
obtain legislative restrictions against the worst features of the child-labor
system, but little was done even to enforce existing laws limiting work hours
and establishing a minimum age for employment. Conditions as bad as those
imposed on pauper children rapidly developed in enterprises employing nonpauper
children. Often with the approval of political, social, and religious leaders,
children were permitted to labor in hazardous occupations such as mining. The
resultant social evils included illiteracy, further impoverishment of poor
families, and a multitude of diseased and crippled children.
Popular agitation for reform steadily
increased. The first significant British legislation was enacted in 1878, when
the minimum age of employees was raised to 10 years and employers were required
to restrict employment of children between the ages of 10 and 14 to alternate
days or consecutive half days. In addition to making every Saturday a half
holiday, this legislation also limited the workday of children between 14 and 18
years of age to 12 hours, with an intermission of 2 hours for meals and
Meanwhile the industrial system developed in
other countries, bringing with it abuses of child labor similar to those in
Britain. In the early years of the 19th century children between the ages of 7
and 12 years made up one-third of the workforce in U.S. factories. The shortage
of adult male laborers, who were needed for agriculture, contributed to the
exploitation of child laborers. In addition, many adults held puritanical ideas
regarding the evils of idleness among children, and so cooperated with
employers, helping them recruit young factory hands from indigent families.
A | Early Legislation |
The earliest feature of the factory system
that caused concern among community leaders was the high rate of illiteracy
among child laborers. The first effective step toward legislation governing the
education of these children was taken in 1836 when the Massachusetts Legislature
adopted a law prohibiting the employment of any child under 15 years of age who
had received less than three months of schooling in the previous year. In 1848
Pennsylvania became the first state to regulate the age levels of youth employed
in silk, cotton, or woolen mills by establishing a minimum age of 12. Several
other states also established minimum-age requirements, but none of the laws
passed made provisions for establishing proof of the child's age or for
The length of the workday for children was
the next feature of the factory system to be regulated by legislation. By 1853
several states had adopted a ten-hour workday for children under 12 years of
age. Despite these restrictions, the number of children in industry increased
greatly in the United States after the American Civil War, when industrial
expansion resulted in unprecedented demand for workers. By the end of the 19th
century nearly one-fifth of all American children between the ages of 10 and 16
were gainfully employed. By 1910, however, as the result of the
public-enlightenment activities of various organizations, notably the National
Child Labor Committee, the legislatures of several states had enacted
restrictive legislation that led to sharp reductions in the number of children
employed in industry.
Because of the lack of uniformity in
child-labor standards established in the various states, a condition that placed
industries in states with relatively high standards in a disadvantageous
competitive position, the U.S. Congress, in 1916, passed a law that set a
national minimum age of 14 in industries producing nonagricultural goods for
interstate commerce or for export. In 1918, however, the U.S. Supreme Court
ruled, in a 5-4 decision, that the legislation was an unconstitutional
infringement on personal freedom. The following year, the Congress tried another
strategy to establish protection for child workers through taxation of
employers. But in 1922 the Child Labor Tax Law, as it was known, was ruled
unconstitutional for being overtly “prohibitory and regulatory.” In 1924 both
houses of Congress passed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, empowering
Congress to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons under 18 years of
age. The number of state legislatures that ratified the proposed amendment was
28, or 8 less than the 36 then required.
B | Federal Legislation |
Despite the reluctance of state legislators
to ratify the child-labor amendment, legislative attempts to deal with the
problem nationally continued, notably during the administration of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt. The National Industrial Recovery Act, passed by Congress
in 1933, established a minimum age of 16 for workers in most industries. In
hazardous industries a minimum age level of 18 was established. This law
contributed to a substantial decrease in the number of young workers, but the
Supreme Court ruled the act unconstitutional in 1935 (see New Deal). In
the next year Congress passed the Walsh-Healey Act, which prohibits firms
producing goods under federal government contract from employing boys and girls
under 16 years of age.
The next important legislation on the
problem was the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, better known as the Federal
Wage and Hour Law. This act was declared constitutional in 1941 by the Supreme
Court, which thereby overruled its former child-labor decision under a more
liberal interpretation of the commerce clause of the Constitution (Article I,
Section 8). The Fair Labor Standards Act, amended in 1949, applies to all
workers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. Under the child-labor
provisions of the act, minors 16 years of age and over may be employed in any
occupation that has not been judged hazardous by the secretary of labor. The
minimum age for work in industries classified as hazardous is 18. No minimum age
is set for nonhazardous agricultural employment after school hours and during
vacation. Minors 14 and 15 years of age may be employed in a variety of
nonmanufacturing, nonmining, and nonhazardous occupations outside school hours
and during vacations for limited hours and under other specified conditions of
C | State Legislation |
Every state today has child-labor laws. In
most states employment of minors under 16 in factories and during school hours
is prohibited. Other provisions include a 40-hour workweek, prohibition of night
work, and work permits for minors under 18. Children working on farms are not
completely protected by federal and state laws, which make no provisions for
nonhazardous farm work outside school hours. The children of migratory workers,
who move from harvest to harvest across the United States, are usually not
subject to state laws because they do not fulfill residency requirements, and
they are often unable to attend local schools, which have no provisions for
seasonal increases in school enrollment. Other children exempted from federal
and state labor laws are children employed as actors and performers in radio,
television, and motion pictures, as newspaper deliverers and sales personnel, or
as part-time workers at home.
In the early 21st century, child labor
remains a serious problem in many parts of the world. Studies carried out in
1979, the International Year of the Child, show that more than 50 million
children below the age of 15 were working in various jobs often under hazardous
conditions. Many of these children live in underdeveloped countries in Latin
America, Africa, and Asia. Their living conditions are crude and their chances
for education minimal. The meager income they bring in, however, is necessary
for the survival of their families. Frequently, these families lack the basic
necessities of life—adequate food, decent clothing and shelter, and even water
for bathing.
In some countries industrialization has
created working conditions for children that rival the worst features of the
19th-century factories and mines. In India, for example, some 20,000 children
work 16-hour days in match factories.
Child-labor problems are not, of course,
limited to developing nations. They occur wherever poverty exists in Europe and
the United States. A growing concern in recent years has been the increase in
prostitution among youngsters in urban centers.
The most important efforts to eliminate
child-labor abuses throughout the world come from the International Labor
Organization (ILO), founded in 1919 and now a special agency of the United
Nations. The organization has introduced several child-labor conventions among
its members, including a minimum age of 16 years for admission to all work, a
higher minimum age for specific types of employment, compulsory medical
examinations, and regulation of night work. In the late 20th century the ILO
added to this list the worst forms of child labor, including slavery,
prostitution, debt bondage (the practice of requiring children to work off loans
made to their parents), and forced military service. The ILO, however, does not
have the power to enforce these conventions; it depends on voluntary compliance
of member nations.
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