Hanukkah or
Chanukah (Hebrew for “dedication”), annual
festival of the Jewish people celebrated on eight successive days. It begins on
the 25th day of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish calendar, corresponding,
approximately, to December in the Gregorian calendar. Hanukkah is also known as
the Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication, and Feast of the Maccabees.
Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the
Temple of Jerusalem by Judas Maccabee in 165 bc. Rededication was necessary because
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Syria and overlord of Palestine, had
profaned (defiled) the temple. In 168 bc, on a date corresponding
approximately to December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, the temple was dedicated
to the worship of the pagan god Zeus Olympius by order of Antiochus, who forbade
the practice of Judaism. An altar to Zeus was set up on the high altar. When
Judas Maccabee recaptured Jerusalem three years later, he had the temple purged
and a new altar put up in place of the desecrated one. The temple was then
rededicated to God with festivities that lasted eight days (see 1 Maccabees
chapters 3 and 4). According to tradition, only a one-day supply of
nondesecrated olive oil could be found for the rededication, but that small
quantity burned miraculously for eight days. Jews commemorate this event by
lighting candles for the eight nights of Hanukkah. The principal source for the
story of Hanukkah is the Talmud.
The principal feature of present-day Hanukkah
celebrations is the lighting of candles, one the first night, two the second,
and so on until eight candles have been lit in a special candelabrum called a
menorah. A Hanukkah menorah has eight branches and a holder for an extra candle
that is used to light the others. (A seven-branched menorah that also has its
origins in biblical times is now a symbol for the state of Israel.) A blessing
is said each night as the Hanukkah candles are lit.
Hanukkah is a festive family occasion, with
special foods and songs. Children generally receive small gifts or money, known
as Hanukkah gelt (money), each evening after the candles are lit. Foods
fried in oil, such as latkes (potato pancakes) and doughnuts, commemorate
the miracle of the oil. Sweet foods also are popular, and children may receive
chocolate coins in place of Hanukkah gelt. Songs also play a part in the
festivities and remind the family of the events commemorated.
Traditionally, Hanukkah was one of the only
times that rabbis permitted games of chance. Children sometimes play games with
a spinning top called a dreidel during the eight days of the festival.
Before play, each player puts a certain number of coins, candies, or another
object into a “pot.” One player then spins the dreidel. Each of the four sides
of the dreidel bears a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the side that lands up
when the dreidel stops spinning indicates which part of the pot the player will
receive. The Hebrew letter nun indicates “nothing”; the letter
gimel, “all”; hei, “half”; and shin, “put in” or “match the
pot.” Over time, these letters came to stand for the Hebrew phrase Nes gadol
haya sham (“A great miracle happened there”). Children also play by guessing
which letter will appear when the dreidel stops, with the winner claiming the
In Israel, the letter pei, for the
word po (“here”), is substituted for shin on the dreidel, changing the
resulting phrase to “A great miracle happened here.”
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