(state), in the north central United States, bordered by Lake Superior on
the north, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on the northeast, Lake Michigan on
the east, Illinois on the south, and Iowa and Minnesota on the west. Wisconsin
received its name from the Wisconsin River, the name of which is derived from
the French version of an Ojibwa term that may mean “gathering of the waters” or
“place of the beaver.” It is customarily known as the Badger State because the
miners who were among the first settlers in the region lived in mine shafts or
dug their homes out of the hillside and lived underground, as badgers do.
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin. Milwaukee is the largest city.
Wisconsin entered the Union on May 29, 1848,
as the 30th state. It is one of the leading states in agriculture. Especially
noted for its cheese production, the state is sometimes called the Cheese
Capital of the Nation or America’s Dairyland. The greater part of the state is
composed of rolling plains that yield productive crops and fodder for the dairy
industry. Wisconsin also has substantial heavy industry, centered around
Milwaukee and nearby cities along the shore of Lake Michigan.
In Wisconsin at the beginning of the 20th
century, Robert La Follette and the Progressives evolved their theories of good
government in close collaboration with leading scholars at the University of
Wisconsin. Roughly half a century later, Wisconsin Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
stirred deep controversy among Americans with his views on Communism and how to
eradicate it in the United States.
Wisconsin ranks 22nd in size among the
states. It covers 169,639 sq km (65,498 sq mi), including 4,740 sq km (1,830 sq
mi sq mi) of inland water. Also under jurisdiction of the state is 24,237 sq km
(9,358 sq mi) of waters in lakes Michigan and Superior. Wisconsin is roughly
rectangular in shape, except for the Door Peninsula, which is about 130 km
(about 80 mi) long and separates Green Bay from Lake Michigan. Wisconsin has a
maximum length from north to south of about 480 km (about 300 mi) and a width
from east to west of about 450 km (about 280 mi).
A | Natural Regions |
Wisconsin is customarily divided into two
major natural regions, or physiographic provinces, each of which is a part of
one of the broader physiographic divisions of North America. The two natural
regions are the Central Lowland and the Superior Upland. The Central Lowland,
which is a part of the larger physiographic division known as the Interior
Plains, covers southern Wisconsin. The Superior Upland, a southward extension of
the Canadian Shield, or Laurentian Upland, occupies northern Wisconsin.
The Central Lowland is the larger of the
two natural regions. It is a predominantly low-lying area and swings in a broad
belt across the southern two-thirds of the state. Over the eastern part of the
region the underlying rocks have been covered by thick deposits of glacial clays
and sands known as till, or drift. Most of this glaciated area is referred to as
the Eastern Lake section of the Central Lowland, but a small area in the south
is a continuation of the Till Plains, a section that covers adjoining areas of
Illinois. During the Ice Age, which ended about 10,000 years ago, a number of
ice sheets pushed southward across Wisconsin and adjoining areas. These ice
sheets planed off the hills of the preglacial landscape, filled up the ancient
valleys, and created the fairly smooth plain that now covers most of the
The unglaciated Wisconsin Driftless
section of the southwest is believed to look the way the rest of the Central
Lowland looked before the Ice Age. Some sections, especially those south of the
Wisconsin River, are quite rocky, steep, and rugged, but most land is only
moderately hilly and is suitable for farming. Among the more prominent features
are the Military Ridge, Blue Mounds, and Baraboo Range, which provide sweeping
views of the countryside. Unusual for this part of the country are the
steep-sided, flat-topped hills found in the vicinity of Camp Douglas that are
similar in appearance to the mesas and buttes of the arid Western states.
The Superior Upland occupies northern
Wisconsin and is underlain by ancient and very hard rocks. The region is higher
than the Central Lowland and for this reason is sometimes referred to as the
Northern Highland. Most of its hills are from 400 to 430 m (1,300 to 1,400 ft)
above sea level. Several isolated peaks rise considerably above this level,
however. They include Timms Hill, which at 595 m (1,951 ft) is the highest point
in Wisconsin, and Sugarbush Hill, Rib Mountain, and the Gogebic, or Penokee,
Range. Forests cover much of the Superior Upland, and there are numerous small
lakes of glacial origin. A low-lying and partially swampy plain, known as the
Lake Superior Lowland, occupies the areas along the southern shore of Lake
B | Rivers and Lakes |
The rivers of Wisconsin drain into either
the Mississippi River system, which flows southward into the Gulf of Mexico, or
into the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence system, which flows eastward into the Atlantic
The Mississippi is the only river in
Wisconsin navigable by commercial vessels, and for its entire length in the
state it forms part of the Minnesota border and all of the Iowa state line. Its
principal tributaries in the state are the Saint Croix, which also forms part of
the Minnesota state line, and the Chippewa, Black, Rock, and Wisconsin rivers.
The principal rivers draining into Lake Michigan are the Menominee, which forms
part of the Michigan state line, and the Fox and its tributary the Wolf River.
Several small streams drain into Lake Superior.
Wisconsin has many lakes. In addition to
lakes Superior and Michigan, there are nearly 9,000 smaller lakes scattered over
the surface of the Superior Upland and Central Lowland. The largest natural lake
is Lake Winnebago, which covers 534 sq km (206 sq mi). Other lakes include Lake
Pepin, which was formed behind silt that acted as a dam on the Mississippi
River; Green Lake; and lakes Poygan, Mendota, and Koshkonong. The largest
artificially created lakes are Petenwell and Castle Rock reservoirs on the
Wisconsin River, Lake Chippewa, and Flambeau Reservoir.
C | Climate |
Wisconsin has a humid continental climate.
Winters are long and cold throughout the state. Summers are short and fairly
hot, especially in southern Wisconsin. The waters of lakes Superior and Michigan
modify the climate of the coastal areas to a noticeable extent. These areas are
generally milder in winter and cooler in summer than interior sections of the
C1 | Temperature |
Average July temperatures range from
more than 22° C (72° F) in the southwest to less than 19° C (66° F) in some
northern areas. Daytime temperatures are seldom much higher than 32° C (90° F),
and cool weather is not unusual. Summer nights are generally cool, and July
temperatures have been known to dip to the freezing point in northern areas.
January averages fall below freezing throughout Wisconsin. They range from less
than -12° C (less than 10° F) in the interior northern areas to -6° C (22° F) in
the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold
weather persists for several weeks at a time.
C2 | Precipitation |
Average annual precipitation ranges from
700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring
and summer, and snowfall is generally moderate in the south, but can be quite
heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating
tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly in the southern part of
the state.
C3 | Growing Season |
The growing season ranges from less than
90 days in some areas of the north to more than 160 days along parts of the Lake
Michigan shore. Land situated within about 3 km (about 2 mi) of Lake Superior
has an extended frost-free period averaging 114 days.
D | Soils |
Spodosols, which are generally acidic,
coniferous forest soils of sandy outwash and loamy till, cover most of the
northern one-third of the state. These soils are seldom used for agriculture in
Wisconsin. The gray-brown alphasols that are found to the south are more
productive, although applications of lime and fertilizer are needed to maintain
their fertility. It is on these soils that Wisconsin’s prosperous agriculture
has developed. Areas of fertile prairie soil exist in the southern quarter of
Wisconsin, and there are scattered areas of bog and alluvial soil in the
E | Plant Life |
Extensive forests once covered most of the
state. They now cover 46 percent of the state’s land area. Most forest land in
Wisconsin is privately owned.
Northern Wisconsin is covered by forests
of northern hardwoods mixed with conifers. Around the beginning of the 20th
century, young pioneer species of hardwoods replaced the stands of white pines
destroyed by deforestation in the 19th century. The aspen and birch are the two
most common trees in these second-growth forests, with sugar maple (the state
tree) also appearing. Other trees in the northern forests are the white pine,
red pine, jack pine, basswood, spruce, hemlock, and red maple. Shrubs of the
area include the blueberry, raspberry, beaked hazel, chokecherry, bog rosemary,
and red-berried elder.
The hardwood forests of southern Wisconsin
are dominated by red and white oaks, hickories, maples, and basswoods. Beeches
occur in the extreme east of the state. Characteristic shrubs in the southern
forests are the chokecherry, dogwood, Juneberry, poison ivy, staghorn sumac, and
prickly ash.
F | Animal Life |
Wisconsin’s animal populations have
endured many changes in the past century. The black bear is once again growing
in number, while the resident population of timber wolves remains on the state’s
endangered list. The Canada lynx, an infrequent visitor to Wisconsin, is also on
the list of endangered species. Elk have been reintroduced to the northwestern
portion of the state, as have the fisher and pine marten in the northern
forested areas. Among the mammals found throughout Wisconsin are the
white-tailed deer, muskrat, woodchuck, red fox, coyote, skunk, raccoon, mink,
otter, beaver, cottontail, flying squirrel, and gray squirrel. Mammals found in
some parts of Wisconsin include the badger, opossum, gray fox, porcupine, and
snowshoe hare.
Wisconsin lies on the Mississippi Flyway,
one of the migratory paths followed by millions of birds each spring and fall.
Among the waterfowl commonly seen in Wisconsin during the migrations are Canada
geese and several species of wild ducks. Horicon Marsh, in south central
Wisconsin, is a major stopover for migrating waterfowl.
Upland game birds include the ring-necked
pheasant, Hungarian partridge, sharp-tailed grouse, bobwhite, ruffed grouse, and
woodcock. Hawks and owls are common, and wild turkeys have made a remarkable
comeback in recent years. The Wisconsin River is known for its sizable
population of bald eagles. Songbirds include the robin, the state bird, and
juncos, house finches, English sparrows, nuthatches, cardinals, blue jays,
bluebirds, tufted titmice, red-winged blackbirds, western meadowlarks, and
prothonotary warblers. Also found in the state are flickers; hairy, downy, and
red-headed woodpeckers; yellow-bellied sapsuckers; crows; and ravens. The cedar
waxwing summers in the state.
Among the popular game fish are the
muskellunge, northern pike, walleye, lake trout, largemouth and smallmouth bass,
perch, bullhead, and crappie. The lake sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon were
once abundant but have become quite rare in Wisconsin waters, along with the
true paddlefish, which is now protected.
G | Conservation |
Reforestation, soil erosion, and wildlife
management are the principal concerns of conservationists in Wisconsin. The
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is the agency responsible for carrying
out state conservation programs. Federal agencies concerned with conservation in
Wisconsin include the United States Forest Service, the United States Natural
Resources Conservation Service, and the United States Fish and Wildlife
In 2006 Wisconsin had 37 hazardous waste
sites placed on a national priority list for cleanup due to their severity or
proximity to people. Progress was being made in efforts to reduce pollution; in
the period 1995–2000 the amount of toxic chemicals discharged into the
environment was reduced by 20 percent.
Herds of dairy cows grazing Wisconsin’s
green pasturelands are the foundation of a dairy industry that produces a large
part of the nation’s butter and cheese. The output of such farms has earned
Wisconsin the nickname America’s Dairyland; and over the years, dairying and
crop farming have been vital parts of Wisconsin’s economy. The state’s rich
forests have also generated a lumber and paper industry, while extensive water
resources have been important for fishing and transportation. The water, forest,
and farms combine to give the state a natural beauty, which in turn has made the
state a popular destination for tourists. Meanwhile, manufacturing grew rapidly
in the 20th century, becoming a dominant segment of the state’s economy.
In 2006, 3,063,000 people held jobs in
Wisconsin. As in much of the country, the nature of employment is changing in
the state. By 1993 employment on farms had decreased 26 percent from ten years
before, while manufacturing employment grew 17 percent in the same period. But
service occupations, such as nursing, restaurant serving, and computer
programming, are showing the largest gains. Service occupations in 2000 employed
32 percent of the workers; 20 percent worked in wholesale or retail trade; 17
percent in manufacturing; 15 percent in federal, state, or local government,
including those in the military; 15 percent in finance, insurance, or real
estate; 4 percent in construction, 19 percent in transportation or public
utilities; and 3 percent in farming (including agricultural services), forestry,
or fishing; only 0.1 percent percent worked in mining. In 2005, 16 percent of
Wisconsin’s workers were unionized.
A | Agriculture |
Farmland covered about one-half the land
area of the state in the late 1990s. Slightly less than two-thirds of the
farmland is cropland, while the rest is pastureland and woodland. The number of
farms has declined in the second half of the 20th century, numbering about
76,500 in 2005. As farms have consolidated, the average size of each has grown
to 81 hectares (201 acres).
Some 30,000 farms specialize in dairying,
and dairy and livestock products account for 74 percent of total farm income.
Wisconsin is first among the states in its number of milk cows and is second,
behind California, in fluid milk production. Beef, hogs, and eggs are also
important livestock products.
Wisconsin is a Corn Belt state, and corn
is its major crop, grown chiefly for livestock feed. Other leading crops are
soybeans, hay, sweet corn, potatoes, green peas, snap beans, cranberries, and
oats. Wisconsin leads the nation in the value of its oats, cranberries, snap
beans, beets, and cabbage; is second in the nation in production of dark red
kidney beans; and is third in sweet corn, green peas, fall potatoes, and
A1 | Patterns of Farming |
Corn is the typical crop in the
southern half of the state, while hay, oats, and forage are more characteristic
of north central and western Wisconsin. Potatoes, vegetables, and cranberries
are raised mostly on the sandy plain of central Wisconsin. The Door Peninsula,
extending into Lake Michigan, is Wisconsin’s leading fruit-growing area and is
especially noted for cherries. Dairying is carried on throughout most of the
state. The eastern and southeastern counties provide fluid milk for Chicago,
Milwaukee, and other large urban markets in the region. The central and western
areas of Wisconsin process most of their milk production into cheese and
B | Fisheries |
Most of Wisconsin’s small commercial
fishing industry makes use of Lake Michigan. Although fish in the lake were
depleted by the sea lamprey, which invaded the Great Lakes in the 20th century,
a restoration program has been partially successful. Important species are
whitefish, lake trout, perch, chub, alewife, and carp. Commercial river fishing
yields mainly catfish, bullhead, and buffalo fish.
C | Forestry |
Although forestry is neither a major
labor-using industry nor a leading income producer for Wisconsin, the industries
based on wood are important to the state. Much of the hardwood cut goes into the
manufacture of plywood and veneer, and the pulp and paper industry consumes much
of the softwood harvest. The concentration of pulp and paper products industries
around Green Bay and Appleton is one of the nation’s largest.
D | Mining |
Wisconsin’s mineral output is limited,
and it ranks low among the states in value of production. The state produces
stone, sand and gravel, copper, and lime. The once-important high-grade iron ore
reserves are no longer available. The lead and zinc ores of southwestern
Wisconsin were the first of the state’s mineral resources to be exploited and
are still quite abundant, but their production depends on market prices.
Wisconsin has ample supplies of sandstone, limestone, quartzite, and silica
sand. The state is the country’s second largest producer of dimension stone used
for buildings.
E | Manufacturing |
By far the largest share of Wisconsin’s
income from the production of goods is derived from industry. The leading
industry groups ranked by employment were industrial machinery and equipment,
food and food products, paper products, electronic equipment, and fabricated
metal products. The machinery produced in Wisconsin is diverse, including
internal combustion engines, construction machinery, farm equipment, machinery
for the paper industry, refrigeration and heating equipment, and computers.
Food processing is one of the state’s
mainstays. Wisconsin ranks first in the nation in output of cheese and condensed
and evaporated milk, and it produces a great majority of the country’s malted
milk. It also ranks high in vegetable and fruit canning. The brewing of beer is
one of Wisconsin’s oldest industries.
Other chief industries in Wisconsin are
paper mills and associated industries, creating goods such as paper packaging,
boxes, and household sanitary products; the makers of electrical industrial
equipment and household appliances; manufacturers producing fabricated metal
products, such as general hardware, metal plates, formed sheet metal, cans for
food products, and stamped parts for the automotive industry; transportation
equipment manufacturers, particularly those producing automobiles and
motorcycles; and the primary metal industries, which include iron and steel
foundries and firms casting aluminum.
Manufacturing is widely distributed, but
the Milwaukee metropolitan area accounts for more than one-third of the state’s
industrial income. Although it is known as the Beer Capital of the Nation,
Milwaukee is also a major meat-packing center. Iron and steel mills, automobile
and machinery plants, and chemical plants are some of the city’s many
industries. Other parts of the southeast are also heavily industrialized,
particularly the cities of Racine, Kenosha, Sheboygan, Beloit, and Janesville.
Farther north, along the Fox River, the Chippewa River, and the Wisconsin River,
are large centers for paper and wood products, including Green Bay, Appleton,
Oshkosh, Eau Claire, and Wausau. Food-processing plants are more widely
distributed. Wisconsin’s well-known cheddar cheese is produced in the east
central and central sections of the state, processed cheese in the Green Bay
area, Swiss cheese in the southwest, and butter in the west.
F | Electricity |
Thermal plants, primarily fueled by coal,
produce 79 percent of Wisconsin’s electricity. The state has many small
hydroelectric power plants, although they generate only 3 percent of the state’s
electricity. Nuclear power plants at Kewaunee and Point Beach combine to produce
16 percent of Wisconsin’s electric power.
G | Transportation |
Wisconsin had 178,597 km (114,141 183,692
mi) of highways by 2005, of which 1,196 km (743 mi) were part of the federal
interstate highway system.
Railroad mileage in Wisconsin totaled
5,472 km (3,400 mi) in 2004. Nonmetallic minerals, pulp and paper, food
products, lumber and wood products, and farm products are the principal goods
originating in the state shipped by rail.
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway links
Wisconsin with the Atlantic Ocean. Interstate commerce is most important,
several lake ports also handle foreign cargoes. Among Wisconsin’s lake ports,
Superior, which shares its harbor with Duluth, Minnesota, handles the most
tonnage, shipping wheat and iron-ore. Wisconsin’s leading general-cargo port is
Milwaukee. The other important waterway is the Mississippi River.
Wisconsin is served by 9 airfields, many
of which are private. The principal airport, in Milwaukee, serves more than two
million passengers each year. The state’s other major airport is in
According to the 2000 national census,
Wisconsin ranked 18th among the states, with a total population of 5,601,640.
This figure represented an increase of 9.6 percent over the 1990 census figure.
Urban growth has outpaced rural increases, and in 2000 some 68 percent of the
people lived in urban areas. However, while most urban areas are growing, the
city of Milwaukee proper continues a loss of population begun in the 1970s. This
occurred even as growth in the city’s surrounding suburban area pushed the total
metropolitan population ahead. In 2006 the average population density was 40
persons per sq km (102 per sq mi); most of the northern third of the state,
however, has a much lower population density.
Whites represented the largest ethnic group
in Wisconsin, with 88.9 percent of the population. Blacks constituted 5.7
percent, Asians were 1.7 percent, Native Americans were 0.9 percent, and those
of mixed or not reporting a racial heritage were 2.8 percent of the total.
Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders numbered 1,630. Hispanics, which
are of any race, represent 3.6 percent of the population. The largest Native
American tribes are the Chippewa and Menominee. There are six Native American
reservations in northern Wisconsin. The state was known as a recipient of
massive European immigration during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Festive
culture across the state still reflects the diverse origins of the
A | Principal Cities |
Milwaukee, a major Great Lakes port and
industrial center, is Wisconsin’s largest city, a leading producer of both beer
and machinery, and the historic home of large German and Polish populations,
which give it a European flavor. The Milwaukee metropolitan area had 1.7 million
inhabitants in 2000. Madison, the state capital, as well as a university city,
had 543,000 inhabitants in the metropolitan area in 2006. Other major cities
include Racine, a Lake Michigan port and industrial city; West Allis, an
industrial satellite of Milwaukee; and Kenosha, a port and industrial city on
Lake Michigan. Green Bay, on an arm of Lake Michigan, is Wisconsin’s oldest
city. Superior shares the great port facilities at the western terminus of Lake
Superior with Duluth, Minnesota. A single metropolitan area centers on the two
B | Religion |
About 64 percent of the population of
Wisconsin claim adherence to the Christian Church, of which nearly two-fifths
are Roman Catholic. The largest Protestant denomination is Lutheran, who
represent about one-quarter of all adherents. Less than 1 percent of the
population are Jewish.
A | Education |
The first free elementary school in what is
now Wisconsin was founded at Southport (now Kenosha) in 1845, and the first free
high school was established in the same community four years later. In 1856
Margaretta Schurz, the wife of the political reformer Carl Schurz, established
the first kindergarten in the United States, in Watertown. The first statewide
vocational and adult-education network in the nation was established in
Wisconsin in 1911. By the early 20th century the public education system of
Wisconsin had been well developed.
School attendance is compulsory for
children from ages 6 to 18, or upon graduation from high school. Of the state’s
children, 16 percent attend private schools, one of the higher rates in the
country. In the 2002–2003 school year Wisconsin spent $10,347 on each student’s
education, compared to a national average of about $9,299. There were 15.1
students for every teacher (the national average was 15.9). Of those older than
25 years of age in the state, 88 percent had a high school diploma. The national
norm was 84 percent.
A1 | Higher Education |
The first institution of higher
education in the state was Milton College, in Milton, founded in 1844. In
2004–2005 Wisconsin had 31 public and 36 private institutions of higher
learning. By far the largest institution is the University of Wisconsin System,
with 13 four-year campuses, including the flagship campus at Madison, and 13
two-year campuses (see Wisconsin-Madison, University of). Other schools
include Marquette University and Mount Mary College, in Milwaukee; Lawrence
University, in Appleton; Beloit College, in Beloit; Ripon College, in Ripon; and
Carroll College, in Waukesha.
B | Libraries |
A commission was established in 1895 to
promote and coordinate library service throughout Wisconsin. Members of the
original library commission founded the Legislative Reference Library in Madison
in 1901. Now called the Legislative Reference Bureau, it provides research
services for state legislators and assists them in the drafting of legislation.
The largest public library in the state is the Milwaukee Public Library. The
library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin is in Madison. In 2002
Wisconsin had 380 tax-supported public library systems. Libraries each year
circulated an average of 9.7 books for every resident, placing it in the top
one-fifth of the states.
C | Museums |
The State Historical Society of Wisconsin
owns and operates the State Historical Museum in Madison, which interprets
Wisconsin’s past from prehistory to the present. The society also maintains
several historic sites, including Stonefield, a museum complex near Cassville
that depicts 1890s rural and village life; the Circus World Museum, in Baraboo,
which was the original winter quarters of the Ringling Brothers Circus; and Old
World Wisconsin, an open-air museum of architecture and culture in Eagle that
mirrors the state’s diverse ethnic history. Fine-arts museums include the Wright
Museum of Art, at Beloit College; the Paine Art Center and Arboretum, in
Oshkosh; and the Milwaukee Art Museum, which is housed in the well-known War
Memorial Center. The Milwaukee Public Museum is a natural and cultural history
museum that features walk-through exhibits including a live-butterfly garden, a
modern Native American powwow, and an authentic rainforest. Noted special
museums include the Prairie du Chien Museum at Fort Crawford; the Rhinelander
Logging Museum, where exhibits are housed in a replica of an old-time logging
camp; the National Railroad Museum, in Green Bay; and the Experimental Aircraft
Association (EAA) Airventure Museum, in Oshkosh.
D | Communications |
Almost 400 newspapers are published in
Wisconsin, including 33 dailies. The first newspaper in what is now Wisconsin
was the weekly Green-Bay Intelligencer, founded in 1833.
Established as a weekly in 1837, the Milwaukee Sentinel developed into
the most influential newspaper in the state during the Civil War (1861-1865).
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which began publishing in 1995
after the merger of the Milwaukee Journal and the Milwaukee
Sentinel, the state’s oldest existing newspaper, is Wisconsin’s largest
daily in terms of circulation.
The first radio station in Wisconsin, 9XM,
at the University of Wisconsin, began broadcasting in 1919. Station WIBA,
licensed in 1925, is the state’s oldest commercial station. Wisconsin’s first
television station was WTMJ-TV, which began broadcasting at Milwaukee in 1947.
In 2002 Wisconsin had 94 AM and 144 FM radio stations and 35 television
Wisconsin’s many fine recreational
facilities and beautiful scenery are enjoyed by thousands of vacationers and
outdoor enthusiasts each year. Numerous state forests and parks exist throughout
the state, with lakes for water sports and campgrounds, picnic sites, and nature
trails. In addition, there are streams, rivers and the Great Lakes for fishing,
as well as numerous state canoe trails. Wisconsin’s abundant wildlife provides
hunting enthusiasts with a wide variety of game. Numerous places of historical
interest throughout the state are noted by official state markers.
A | National Parks and Forests |
The National Park Service administers two
areas in Wisconsin. Apostle Islands National Lakeshore is a recreational area
comprising islands and the nearby Bayfield Peninsula on Lake Superior. Saint
Croix National Scenic Riverway encompasses 406 km (252 mi) of the Saint Croix
and Namekagon rivers.
The two national forests in Wisconsin,
both in the northern part of the state, include a number of recreation areas
with facilities for riding, hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, and nature study.
Chequamegon National Forest is the larger of the two. Nicolet National Forest is
named for the 17th-century French explorer Jean Nicolet.
B | State Parks and Forests |
Most of Wisconsin’s ten state forests
have facilities for camping, water sports, picnicking, and hunting. The largest,
Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest, covers about 89,000 hectares
(about 222,000 acres) of natural area in northern Wisconsin. It includes a tract
crossed by the Wisconsin River and popular for summer vacationing. Kettle
Moraine State Forest, consisting of two separate units, is characterized by
glacial features known as kettles, which are depressions caused by the melting
of buried blocks of ice in the till deposited by glaciers.
Peninsula State Park, one of the largest
of the 47 state parks and recreation areas in Wisconsin, encompasses a forested
headland in Green Bay. In the center of Door Peninsula, along Sturgeon Bay, lies
Potawatomi State Park. The park’s wooded shoreline rises gradually to high
bluffs from which there are beautiful views of the area. There are also
magnificent views from Rib Mountain State Park, one of the highest points in the
Pattison State Park features Big Manitou
Falls, where the Black River makes a steep plunge. Interstate Park lies on the
Saint Croix River on the western border of the state. The oldest of Wisconsin’s
state parks, it is noted for its river gorge and rocky bluffs. The Baraboo Range
of south central Wisconsin is the site of Devils Lake State Park. Kohler-Andrae
State Park, south of Sheboygan, includes a wide sandy beach on Lake Michigan
with beautiful sand dunes and white pine woods. Point Beach State Forest also
lies on Lake Michigan.
There are several state monuments of
historic interest in Wisconsin. First Capitol State Park, near Belmont, contains
the restored building in which the legislature of the territory of Wisconsin met
in 1836. Another point of interest is the schoolhouse in Ripon where the meeting
was held in 1854 that launched the Republican Party. Villa Louis, near Prairie
du Chien, is a mansion built in 1843 and maintained by the State Historical
Society. Aztalan State Park, east of Madison, preserves a prehistoric Native
American village that has been partially reconstructed, together with a number
of burial mounds.
C | Sports and Recreation |
Hiking, camping, swimming, boating,
golfing, hunting, and fishing are among Wisconsin’s foremost outdoor
recreational activities. In winter, skating, skiing, snowmobiling, and
tobogganing are popular sports. Wisconsin is the home of several professional
sports teams. The Green Bay Packers are a well-known professional football team,
and the Green Bay Packer Hall of Fame contains displays relating to the team.
Milwaukee is the home of the Milwaukee Brewers, a major-league baseball team,
and the Milwaukee Bucks, a professional basketball team. The National Fresh
Water Fishing Hall of Fame is in Hayward.
D | Other Places to Visit |
Among the state’s many historic homes is
the Tank Cottage, in Green Bay, the oldest house existing in the state. In
Portage is the restored surgeon’s quarters of old Fort Winnebago. The only
remaining building of the fort, it contains a collection of medical books,
historic documents, and other items relating to the fort’s history. The Milton
House, in Milton, is a poured concrete building constructed on a hexagonal plan.
Dating from 1844, the building was a stagecoach stop, and it also served as a
station of the Underground Railroad for escaping slaves. Mineral Point has a
street of restored houses used by Cornish miners during the early days of the
state’s lead mining industry.
Taliesin, in Spring Green, was the home
of the famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Another of his well-known
buildings is the Johnson Wax Building, in Racine. One of the most popular places
to visit in the state is Wisconsin Dells, where the Wisconsin River passes
through a winding gorge about 13 km (8 mi) long.
E | Annual Events |
Syttende Mai, held at Blue Mounds and at
Stoughton on May 17, celebrates Norway’s Independence Day. An annual Wilhelm
Tell Pageant is staged every Labor Day weekend at New Glarus. Milwaukee hosts
the annual Great Circus Parade, featuring restored 19th-century wagons, and
Summerfest on the Lake Michigan lakefront every July. Also in July are the
Oneida Indians Pow-Wow, held in Green Bay, and the Lumberjack World
Championships in Hayward. The city of La Crosse hosts an annual Oktoberfest
celebration in October, and Oshkosh is the site of the annual Experimental
Aircraft Association Fly-In Convention every August. West Allis is the site of
Wisconsin’s State Fair, which is held every August.
Wisconsin still uses the constitution it
adopted at the time of statehood in 1848. It is one of the oldest state
constitutions. An amendment to the constitution may be proposed by the
legislature or by a constitutional convention. To be ratified, an amendment must
be approved by a majority of people voting on the issue in a general
A | Executive |
The state’s chief executive, the
governor, is elected for a four-year term. Other elected executive officials in
the state are the lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and
state treasurer. All of the elected officials serve four-year terms.
B | Legislative |
The Wisconsin legislature consists of a
Senate of 33 members and an Assembly of 99 members. Senators are elected for
four-year terms, and representatives are elected for two-year terms. Regular
sessions of the legislature are held annually. Special legislative sessions may
be called by the governor or by a majority of the legislators.
C | Judicial |
The highest state court in Wisconsin is
the Supreme Court. Most of its work consists in hearing appeals from lower state
courts. The court is made up of seven justices, who are elected for ten-year
terms. The justice with the longest service on the state supreme court serves as
its chief justice. The major trial courts in the state are circuit courts. The
decisions of the circuit courts may be appealed to the state court of appeals.
Both the circuit court judges and the judges of the court of appeals are elected
for six-year terms. The state also has municipal courts, whose justices are
elected for four-year terms. All judges are elected on a nonpartisan basis.
D | Local Government |
Each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties is
governed by a board of supervisors elected for a two-year term. Following a
Wisconsin Supreme Court decision in 1965, these boards have been elected on the
basis of population, rather than area. Other elected county officials include
the clerk, treasurer, sheriff, clerk of the circuit court, registrar of deeds,
coroner, surveyor, and district attorney. All are elected for two-year
In the early 1990s Wisconsin had 188
incorporated cities and 397 incorporated villages. Each of the more than 1,200
towns, which are civil subdivisions of counties and similar to townships in
other states, is governed by a board consisting of a chairperson and two to four
supervisors. All are elected for two-year terms. The cities are governed under
the mayor and city council or council and city manager form of municipal
government. Villages in Wisconsin are governed by elected supervisors.
E | National Representation |
Wisconsin has two U.S. senators and
eight seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The state has ten electoral
A | Early Inhabitants |
The earliest inhabitants of Wisconsin
were Paleo-Indians, a nomadic people who appeared in the Great Lakes region
about 11,000 bc, during the last
Ice Age. Evidence from archaeological sites indicates the Paleo-Indians hunted
with spears, killing caribou and other large animals. About 7,000 BC, with the
warming climate, an Archaic culture emerged. The area was later inhabited by a
number of groups known as Mound Builders, who created large earth mounds as
burial and ceremonial sites. Remains of some of these mounds may be seen at
Butte des Morts (Hill of the Dead), near Neenah; at Aztalan Mound Park, near
Lake Mills; and near Baraboo.
When Europeans first entered
present-day Wisconsin, they encountered a number of Native American groups. The
Menominee, Kickapoo, and Miami were Algonquian-speaking groups, while the
Winnebago, Iowa, and Dakota, better known as Sioux, spoke Siouan languages. Most
native peoples lived in villages, raised corn and other crops, and hunted and
fished. In the mid-1600s many other groups entered Wisconsin, mostly Algonquian
people fleeing enemy tribes farther east. These new groups included the Fox, Sac
(Sauk), Potawatomi, and Ojibwa, also called Chippewa.
B | Exploration |
The first European known to have set
foot on Wisconsin soil was Jean Nicolet, a French explorer. In 1634, while
searching for a water route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, he reached
Green Bay. In 1659 and 1660 the French fur trader Médard Chouart, Sieur des
Groseilliers, and his brother-in-law, Pierre Esprit Radisson, explored the Lake
Superior area. During the next 15 years the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic religious
order, established the first missions in the territory, near present-day Ashland
and at De Pere. In 1673 the French explorers Louis Joliet and Father Jacques
Marquette crossed Wisconsin by way of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers to the
Mississippi River.
C | The Fur Trade |
The explorers had found the Wisconsin
region rich in fur-bearing animals, particularly beaver, whose pelts were in
great demand in Europe. Soon trappers and traders from Québec and Montréal
entered the Wisconsin wilderness. The first trading post was established at La
Baye (now Green Bay) in 1684, and soon after others were built—Fort Saint
Nicolas, near Prairie du Chien, and Fort Saint Antoine, on Lake Pepin. In 1689
Nicolas Perrot, French commandant of the Green Bay region, claimed the Upper
Mississippi Valley, including what is now Wisconsin, for France. The profitable
fur trade of the region soon attracted English trappers, and competition between
France and England for the trade with the Native Americans was intense.
The French soon came into conflict with
the Fox people, who controlled a strategic trade route along the Fox and
Wisconsin rivers. From about 1700 to 1740 the French and the Fox fought a series
of battles, until the Fox were nearly wiped out. The surviving Fox were taken in
by the Sac. The long struggle weakened French defenses in the region and turned
many of France’s former Native American allies against it, at the same time
France was fighting Britain for domination of the continent. Under the Treaty of
Paris that ended the French and Indian War (1754-1763), France ceded all its
territories east of the Mississippi River, including Wisconsin, to Britain.
Under British rule the fur trade continued as the basis of Wisconsin’s
British possession of Wisconsin
officially ended in 1783, when Britain signed the Treaty of Paris that ended the
American Revolution (1775-1783). Under the treaty, Britain ceded to the United
States all its territory east of the Mississippi River. The region was included
in the Northwest Territory that the U.S. government organized with the Northwest
Ordinance of 1787, but the government exercised no effective control over the
Wisconsin area. It remained under the unofficial control of the British, who
continued to monopolize the fur trade. There was no great influx of American
settlers after the war, and the area’s few white inhabitants remained
predominantly French-speaking. In 1800 there were only about 200 settlers in the
D | End of British Domination |
In 1800 the Wisconsin area became part
of the Indiana Territory, which included all the Northwest Territory except the
present state of Ohio. In 1809 Wisconsin was included in the new Illinois
Territory, which was separated from the Indiana Territory.
The British still exercised control,
however, and encouraged Native Americans to oppose American expansion. Some
Wisconsin tribes, particularly the Winnebago, joined the Shawnee chief Tecumseh,
who tried to form an alliance to drive the Americans out of the Midwest.
Tecumseh urged native peoples to return to their traditions and to reject the
white concept that individual tribes could sell land shared by all. Tecumseh’s
forces were defeated in 1811 at the Battle of Tippecanoe in Indiana, but many
native peoples in Wisconsin remained hostile to the Americans.
In 1812 war again broke out between the
United States and Britain, caused by disputes over the rights of neutral
American shipping. During the War of 1812 (1812-1815), most of Wisconsin’s
Native Americans sided with the British. Only after the war ended did American
settlement begin, and the Wisconsin fur trade also came under American control.
The U.S. Army governed the vast territory from Fort Howard, at Green Bay, and
Fort Crawford, at Prairie du Chien. A future president of the United States,
General Zachary Taylor, was in command of the post at Prairie du Chien. While
the fur trade continued to be the chief economic activity in the region, small
settlements around the forts grew steadily.
In 1818 the Wisconsin region became
part of the Michigan Territory, which also included all of what is now
Minnesota. The first great rush of American settlers into Wisconsin occurred in
the 1820s, as a result of a mining boom around the Fever River (now the Galena
River), in northwestern Illinois. By 1823 mining had spread north into
southwestern Wisconsin, where more extensive lead deposits were found. The
population of Wisconsin’s lead-mining region increased from a few hundred to
several thousand in a few years, with most of the early miners coming from
Tennessee, Kentucky, and other states in the South. In about 1840 the Wisconsin
lead region produced almost one-half the total U.S. output of lead ore. The
region established close trade relations with the South, since most of the ore
was transported down the Mississippi by flatboat or steamboat to markets at St.
Louis or New Orleans.
E | Black Hawk War |
The movement of white settlers into the
Midwest caused severe friction as the federal government and settlers attempted
to displace the Native Americans from their lands. Federal policy under
President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) included uprooting entire tribes and
forcing them to resettle west of the Mississippi. In 1832 about 1,000 Sac
people, who had been forced to move to a reservation in Iowa, tried to return to
their lands east of the Mississippi in northwestern Illinois. But Illinois
settlers shot a peace emissary sent by their leader, Black Hawk, setting off the
Black Hawk War. As Black Hawk and his followers retreated through Wisconsin,
trying to return to Iowa, they were pursued by U.S. troops and local militiamen
and fought a series of battles. The Native Americans reached the Mississippi
near a stream called the Bad Axe River, but before they could flee back to Iowa,
almost all of them were killed by the army on August 3 in the Bad Axe Massacre.
Only 150 of Black Hawk’s people survived. Over the next few years other
Wisconsin tribes, realizing that resistance would bring a similar fate, gave up
title to their lands east of the Mississippi. Some, however, negotiated for
reservation lands in central and northern Wisconsin as well as other
With Native American resistance
eliminated, a second great wave of settlers came to Wisconsin. These new
arrivals came mainly from New England and the Middle Atlantic states,
particularly New York. Most of them traveled through the newly built Erie Canal,
completed in 1825, and the Great Lakes and settled along the shores of Lake
Michigan. Milwaukee served as the chief port of entry for settlers and became
the center of commerce for southeastern Wisconsin. These settlers were
interested in farming, trading, and building cities.
F | Wisconsin Territory |
The population grew rapidly in this
period, from around 3,000 in 1830 to 11,683 in 1836. Residents of Wisconsin,
which was still part of the Michigan Territory, began to call for their own
territory. In 1836 the Wisconsin Territory was organized, including the
Wisconsin area, all of the present states of Iowa and Minnesota, and parts of
North and South Dakota. Two years later the Wisconsin Territory was reduced when
the region west of the Mississippi River was reorganized as the Iowa
The capital of the Wisconsin Territory
was first located at Belmont in the heart of the lead district, where almost
half the settlers lived. In succeeding years the southeastern counties along the
shore of Lake Michigan grew more rapidly than the lead region, and by 1838 the
legislature had moved to the new capital of Madison, which lay between the two
areas. The first governor of the territory was Henry Dodge, one of the region’s
most prosperous miners. Until the 1850s settlement in the territory was confined
to the area south of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers.
A third wave of settlers, including a
large number of European immigrants, came to Wisconsin during the territorial
period. The first important group included highly skilled miners from Cornwall,
England, who arrived in Wisconsin’s lead district after 1835. In the next 15
years they were followed by large numbers of Germans, Scots, Irish, Welsh,
Swiss, and Norwegians. By 1850 Wisconsin’s population was 305,391, and more than
one-third of the residents were foreign-born.
G | Economic Development |
Most of the new settlers of the 1830s
and 1840s were attracted to Wisconsin by good farmland rather than mining
opportunities. In response to the demand for acreage, the first government lands
in Wisconsin were put on public sale in 1834. By the 1840s wheat had become the
principal crop, and after ten years Wisconsin’s wheat crop was the second
largest in the nation.
In the lead district of southwestern
Wisconsin, mining remained the major economic activity until the late 1840s.
Farming on lands containing mineral ore was discouraged by the federal
government, which owned all such lands and until 1847 leased, rather than sold,
tracts to individuals and companies for mining. Lead mining reached its peak in
1845, then declined rapidly as richer mines were exhausted and the price of lead
dropped. Many miners then turned to farming, but about half of the miners,
including many of the Cornish settlers, left for California after gold was
discovered there in 1848.
H | Statehood |
The need for internal improvements,
such as roads, railroads, harbors, and canals, was a major reason that residents
of the Wisconsin Territory began to press for statehood. Both the population and
the economy were expanding rapidly. As a state, it was argued, Wisconsin would
be able to secure more federal money and land and could issue charters for
transportation companies. Residents also hoped statehood would bring political
strength and stability and attract Eastern capital with which to build needed
After rejecting several proposals for
statehood, voters endorsed admission to the Union in 1846 and called for a
convention to draw up a constitution for the future state. The first
constitution was rejected by the territory’s voters in 1847, but a second
similar constitution was approved a year later. This constitution is still in
use, though it has been much amended. It prohibited the use of state funds to
construct internal improvements, such as canals, because the framers wished to
avoid the financial chaos that occurred when neighboring states had undertaken
vast canal-building projects. The constitution also sharply limited the amount
of debt the state could incur for any purpose. The provisions for voting rights
were very liberal for that time, although women were excluded.
In May 1848 Wisconsin was admitted to
the Union as the 30th state. Its first governor was Nelson Dewey, a Democrat.
Contrary to expectations, statehood did not bring rapid development of
transportation facilities. Despite the clamor for canals in Wisconsin, few were
completed. Even after a canal was opened in 1851 at the portage of the Fox and
Wisconsin rivers, the route was little used. Railroad building also proceeded
slowly. Railroad promoters engaged in widespread bribery of state officials to
secure railroad charters, and many charters were issued for railroads that were
never built. The prohibitions on state spending for internal improvements meant
the railroads had to turn elsewhere for financing. An unusual arrangement was
devised, in which several thousand farmers mortgaged their land to raise funds
for the earliest railroad lines. In 1857 one railroad was completed, reaching
across the state from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. Soon afterward,
however, a widespread financial panic hit, resulting in the bankruptcy of all
the railroad companies in Wisconsin. Farmers who had mortgaged their land to
support their railroad held almost worthless pieces of paper.
To attract European immigrants to
Wisconsin, the state established an office in New York City in 1852 that
distributed pamphlets and placed advertisements in European and U.S. newspapers.
In the next few years thousands of Europeans, the majority of them Germans,
settled in Wisconsin. Some of the German immigrants were political refugees from
the revolutions that swept Europe in 1848. The intellectuals of this group soon
provided important leadership in Wisconsin’s political, cultural, and social
I | The Civil War |
Before the outbreak of the Civil War
(1861-1865), Wisconsin opposed the extension of slavery into the Western
territories. Sympathy for fugitive slaves was widespread, and in 1854 the
Wisconsin Supreme Court refused to honor the Fugitive Slave Act, which Congress
passed as part of the Compromise Measures of 1850, an effort to settle the
disputes over slavery that were dividing the nation. There was also widespread
opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which would allow the extension of
slavery into the Western territories. Wisconsin opponents of the bill met in
Ripon in 1854 to discuss what measures to take and founded the state’s
Republican Party, one of the first in the nation. The next year the Republicans
won many state offices, including the governorship.
Some European immigrants in Wisconsin,
especially the Germans, opposed the Civil War and the draft, since some of them
had left Europe to avoid fighting for their own countries. In 1862 antidraft
riots broke out in several Wisconsin counties. However, most Wisconsin
communities easily raised their quotas of troops, and conscription was not
widely used. Wisconsin suffered many casualties, and veterans became a political
force for the remainder of the century.
J | Postwar Economic Growth |
The postwar period was a time of great
development and change for Wisconsin’s industry and agriculture. Of primary
importance was the expansion of the state’s railroad system in these years. Rail
lines increased from little more than 1,400 km (900 mi) in 1860 to 4,760 km
(2,960 mi) in 1880 and more than 10,400 km (6,500 mi) by 1900. Tracks were first
laid into northern Wisconsin in the 1870s.
Before this time, logging was limited
to a few miles on each side of Wisconsin’s rivers, which provided the sole means
of transporting the logs to mills and markets. The coming of the railroads
opened up remote timberlands to exploitation and also made it possible to ship
and sell timber to many parts of the country. By 1890 lumbering had become the
state’s leading industry. The production of paper and wood products,
particularly shingles, accompanied the growth of the lumber industry. By 1905
Wisconsin had become one of the top paper-producing states.
In the late 19th century, dairy farming
gradually replaced wheat as the chief agricultural pursuit in Wisconsin. The
trend away from wheat, begun during the Civil War, accelerated in the postwar
years as superior wheat lands opened up in Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas.
The shift to dairying was encouraged by the introduction of the refrigerated
railroad car, which allowed perishable products to reach a larger market.
Because cheese was not highly perishable, cheese making was the first aspect of
the dairy industry to be developed. Wisconsin’s dairying pioneers were mostly
Scandinavian, Dutch, Swiss, and German immigrants or settlers from New York,
then the nation’s leading dairy state.
As the northlands were stripped of
trees, some of the cleared land was converted to farmland by new immigrants and
by farmers from southern Wisconsin, where the soil was rapidly being depleted.
Although the cleared land was unsuitable for growing wheat, it supported
small-scale farming until nearly 1920.
Among the important industries that
began in Wisconsin during the postwar years were meatpacking and tanning,
natural accompaniments to livestock raising. Because it was close to the iron
mines of Minnesota and Wisconsin’s Gogebic Range, Milwaukee flourished as a
metalworking center and as a manufacturer of farming, dairying, and milling
machinery. As industry and agriculture expanded and diversified in the 35 years
after the Civil War, Wisconsin’s population more than doubled, reaching more
than 2 million by 1900.
K | The Granger Movement |
As the economy became more
industrialized, businesses became large and powerful. Large industries wielded
great influence over the state and national governments, enjoying immunity from
taxes and from regulation of their business practices. Corruption among
politicians was widespread. Many citizens, especially farmers, became outraged.
Among the heavy burdens facing farmers were the exorbitant and discriminatory
freight rates charged by the railroads, the banks’ high interest rates, and the
high prices charged by retail companies for farm supplies.
In an early attempt to bring about
reform through political pressure, many Wisconsin farmers supported the national
Granger Movement of the 1870s, which tried to improve the social, economic and
political status of farmers. In 1873 the Wisconsin Grangers supported and helped
elect Democrat William R. Taylor governor. During his administration the Potter
Law and the Vance Act, the first of the so-called Granger laws in the nation,
established a state railroad commission to regulate railroad practices and
rates. The Taylor administration was turned out of office after only one term,
however, and its reforms were soon undone.
Wisconsin suffered one of its worst
natural disasters in October 1871, when a forest fire swept through its
northeastern counties. The Peshtigo fire killed more than 1,000 people and
damaged $5 million worth of property, beginning the same night as the great
Chicago fire.
L | La Follette and the Wisconsin Idea |
For the rest of the century, many other
movements campaigned for reform, including the Greenback Party and the Populist
Party. But little was accomplished in Wisconsin until after 1900, when a group
of political reformers known as Progressives gained control of the Republican
Party. In their crusade for reform on a state and national level, the
Progressives were led by Robert Marion La Follette, governor of Wisconsin from
1901 to 1906 and a U.S. senator from 1906 to 1925.
La Follette and the Progressive
Republicans believed that a government should conscientiously serve its people,
and they sought to restrict the power of big business when it interfered with
the needs of the individual citizen. Specialists in law, economics, and several
social and natural sciences, most from the faculty of the University of
Wisconsin, participated in political reform in the state, helping legislators to
draft laws and serving as experts on governmental commissions. This
collaboration became known as the Wisconsin Idea.
During La Follette’s three terms as
governor he won passage of a number of landmark reform laws. Anti-corruption and
civil-service measures were passed. Direct primary elections were established,
which gave voters, not conventions run by political bosses, the power to select
candidates for public office. The powerful railroads came under state regulation
and were made to pay their share of the state’s taxes. Later the railroad
commission was given power to regulate other public utilities. Laws were also
passed to help farmers form cooperatives to purchase supplies and sell their
products directly.
Wisconsin continued to pass reform
legislation after La Follette had left the state to serve in the U.S. Senate,
especially while Francis S. McGovern was governor from 1911 to 1915. The
Wisconsin legislature in 1911 created the nation’s first effective worker’s
compensation program to protect workers injured on the job; passed laws to
regulate factory safety and working hours for women and children; established a
state income tax and state life insurance fund; and passed forest and waterpower
conservation acts.
Many of these social and industrial
reforms were supported by a third party, Wisconsin’s Socialists. They were led
by Victor Louis Berger, who helped found the national Social Democratic Party in
the late 1890s with labor leader Eugene V. Debs. It was later reorganized as the
Socialist Party. With a base of support among German immigrants, the Wisconsin
Socialists were most powerful in Milwaukee, winning most city and county offices
in 1910. That year, Berger became the first Socialist elected to Congress, and a
number of Socialists were elected to the state legislature.
La Follette took his reform campaign to
a national stage in 1924, when he ran for president as the candidate of the
Progressive Party. He was overwhelmingly defeated, but received more than 4.8
million votes, about 16.5 percent of the total. After his death in 1925, his
family continued to play a major role in Wisconsin and national politics.
M | World War I to the Great Depression |
During the years of World War I
(1914-1918), the Progressives were turned out of office by the conservative
faction of the Republican Party known as the Stalwarts. Wisconsin’s new leaders,
however, kept most of the Progressive reforms. During the war, high farm prices
and the demand for farm goods at home and abroad encouraged farmers to cultivate
many additional acres, even marginal land in cleared northern areas. Dairy
production increased greatly, and Wisconsin soon surpassed New York as the
nation’s leading dairy state. The war spurred the growth of the machinery, heavy
equipment, and transportation industries. Shipbuilding, which had first
developed with the growth of commerce on the Great Lakes, flourished in
Manitowoc and Superior. Wisconsin’s industrial expansion continued unabated
after the war, although the state’s large brewing industry was badly hurt by
Prohibition, the national ban on alcohol that took effect in 1920.
The state’s farmers began to suffer
from falling farm prices in the 1920s. Their distress became acute during the
Great Depression, the national economic disaster of the 1930s. It became clear
that most of the cleared northern land was better suited to trees than crops,
and reforestation and rural zoning programs were adopted. Constitutional
amendments passed in the 1920s permitted the state and county governments to buy
land to convert to forests and parks. Nicolet and Chequamegon National Forests
also were established. Industry as well as agriculture suffered severely during
the Great Depression. The state’s important machine tool and machinery
industries were badly hurt, and only the paper industry continued to
In 1931, when the full effects of the
depression struck Wisconsin, Philip F. La Follette, a son of Robert La Follette,
became governor. Under his administration, thousands of jobless Wisconsin
residents were given work on road-building projects. In 1932 the legislature
passed the nation’s first unemployment compensation law, which served as a model
for laws later passed by other states and the federal government. La Follette’s
efforts anticipated some of the programs of the New Deal, the economic strategy
used by President Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945) to combat the depression.
When the depression worsened in 1932,
Wisconsin voters elected their first Democratic governor in almost 40 years,
Albert G. Schmedeman, and voted overwhelmingly for Roosevelt for president. Two
years later, Philip La Follette was elected governor for his second term, this
time as the candidate of the newly organized Progressive Party, a coalition with
farmer, labor, and Socialist groups.
His brother Robert La Follette, Jr.,
filled their father’s seat in the U.S. Senate from 1925 until 1946, when he was
defeated in a Republican primary by Joseph R. McCarthy. At that time the
Progressive Party rejoined the Republican Party, ending a long era of La
Follette leadership. In the early 1950s McCarthy became the leader of a campaign
against Communist influence, but he made unsubstantiated allegations and used
abusive investigating tactics. He was censured by the Senate in 1954, and
McCarthyism became a synonym for wild, unfounded accusations of disloyalty.
N | Economic Development After World War II |
World War II (1939-1945) stimulated the
state’s economy and helped it recover from the depression. Southeastern
manufacturing cities with a skilled labor force, especially Milwaukee, readily
converted to war production. In the 1950s and 1960s Wisconsin continued to fare
well economically as both its agriculture and industry prospered. The opening of
the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959 allowed some oceangoing vessels to reach state
ports, but the amount of such traffic was not as large as expected.
Wisconsin’s economy began to weaken in
the 1970s. Smaller markets for milk, changes in eating habits, and the costly
mechanization of milk production seriously affected the dairy industry. The
number of dairy farmers dropped sharply, while the size of their farms and
production costs rose. The traditional family farm that had long dominated rural
Wisconsin and had possessed economic, political, and social power almost
A much sharper setback occurred in the
state’s manufacturing industries, located in Milwaukee, along the Lake Michigan
shore, in the Fox, Rock, Chippewa, and Wisconsin river valleys, and on the
Mississippi. Workers were laid off as some businesses became more automated or
changed to new processes, producing more with fewer and more highly skilled
workers. Large industrial employers began to relocate to the suburbs, the
southern United States, and abroad. Some major firms reduced their Wisconsin
operations, and the state’s largest employer, the Allis-Chalmers Company, which
built machinery, closed. Some industries survived but lost their previous
prominence. Breweries, for example, had once existed in 100 of the state’s
cities, and Milwaukee had been a major influence on the national market for
beer. By the 1990s brewing had been reduced to one major brewery (Miller) and
many microbreweries.
O | Postwar Political Developments |
Wisconsin became a Republican state
before the Civil War. After 1904 the direct primary allowed the Progressives to
split the Republican Party between Progressive Republicans and Stalwarts.
Progressive Republicans dominated Wisconsin politics for many years.
A resurgence of the Democratic Party
began in the late 1940s, and in 1958 a Democrat, Gaylord Nelson, was elected
governor, the first Democratic governor since 1932. Since then competition
between the two parties has been greater than ever before in state history. In
1964, for the first time since 1892, the Democratic Party won all statewide
offices and control of both houses of the legislature. In 1994 the Republicans
resumed legislative control. The governor’s office has been split almost evenly
between the two parties since 1959, and on the whole governors have been
In recent decades most state issues
have not been clearly partisan, and most voting blocs have not been fixed.
Republicans reflect the views of business and professional people and the
suburbs, while the Democrats represent labor and the cities. Both have areas of
strength in rural and farm areas, with Republicans stronger among the wealthier
farmers, but each party needs support from unpredictable independent voters to
The most persistent issues, ones often
crossing party lines, have involved taxes and state financial aid. Since the
Progressive Era, the state had used the graduated personal and corporate income
tax it pioneered in 1911 and an inheritance tax, while local government depended
on property taxes. After World War II, state spending grew, requiring more
revenue, and a selective state sales tax was adopted. The income and sales taxes
produced enough money that the state became more generous, with a variety of
state aid programs for local governments that depended largely on property
taxes. By the 1980s, as local governments were pressed to expand commitments,
bipartisan support grew for property tax relief. In the mid-1990s the
legislature approved a measure pledging that the state would cover two-thirds of
the overall cost of local education, beginning in 1997.
Starting in the Progressive Era and the
1930s, the state has had a reputation for high taxes, heavy spending, and
regulation of business. Since about 1970 the trend has been reversed by efforts
to hold down or reduce the cost of government; to turn some government
functions, such as auto-emission testing, over to private contractors; to reduce
the regulatory role of the state; and to involve the state directly in economic
expansion through tax changes, subsidies, and an aggressive search for business
expansion. The legislature has also expanded the concept of Cabinet government
to widen the governor’s role in such economic intervention, a contrast to the
state’s Progressive tradition of strong, independent state agencies. Other major
issues have included welfare reform, gun control, abortion restrictions, and
control of crime and drugs.
Republican Governor Tommy Thompson
advocated major changes in welfare that attracted national attention. From 1987
to 1995, under Thompson’s administration, Wisconsin’s welfare rolls were cut
significantly, and programs were established to link parents’ welfare grants to
their children’s school attendance. In 1996 Wisconsin passed a law aimed at
ending welfare and putting recipients to work. The law abolished welfare
payments by late 1997 but created a system of programs to help residents find
jobs and assist them with child care, transportation, and housing.
Wisconsin was the first state to ratify
the women’s suffrage amendment to the Constitution of the United States in 1919,
but women’s rise to political prominence has lagged. By the early 21st century,
no woman had yet been elected governor or U.S. senator, although many women
served in the state legislature, on local legislative bodies, and as mayors of
smaller municipalities. Women have held major non-elective positions in state
and federal service, in the universities, and as chief executives of several
major Wisconsin corporations.
State higher education in the first
half of the 20th century was limited to the University of Wisconsin in Madison
and a system of ten state teachers colleges. The university gained a national
reputation for the social and natural sciences and for two extension systems
serving the public statewide. Changes beginning in 1951 led to a merger creating
the University of Wisconsin system in 1971, with 13 major campuses and about
150,000 students governed by a single board of regents.
P | Social Ferment |
Urban and rural areas of Wisconsin were
affected by the social ferment that began in the 1960s, inspired by the
civil-rights movement, protests against the Vietnam War (1959-1975), and youth
rebellion. Unrest was concentrated among college-age students and on the state’s
four-year college campuses, especially in Madison, which had a long history of
student activism. Another focus for civil rights was in Milwaukee, which had the
largest black population in the state and a high degree of segregation.
Milwaukee also had growing Hispanic and Native American communities.
Three notable incidents of unrest
occurred in Wisconsin during this period. The first was a race riot in
Milwaukee’s inner city in the summer of 1967. The mayor enforced a curfew, only
one death occurred, and race relations after that in Milwaukee remained
relatively peaceful, despite later conflict over segregated housing. Student
activism against the Vietnam War on the Madison campus reached a climax in 1970,
when the Army Mathematics Research Center building was bombed, killing a
researcher. In the third incident, several people were sentenced to prison for a
raid on the draft board headquarters in Milwaukee and burning of draft
Milwaukee, the state’s largest city and
home to the largest concentration of blacks, experienced ongoing controversy
over open housing in the 1970s, in both the central city and the suburbs.
Desegregation efforts led to two federal lawsuits. In the first, blacks alleged
discriminatory treatment by Milwaukee public schools. In 1976 a federal court
ordered the schools to implement a desegregation plan, and in the mid-1990s
schools were still operating under the court order. The second suit was brought
by the Milwaukee public schools against the surrounding suburbs, alleging blacks
were denied access to the suburbs, which worsened segregation within the city.
That 1987 suit was dismissed but resulted in a limited, voluntary student
exchange program with the schools.
Public dissatisfaction with public
schools’ performance, especially in Milwaukee, led to intervention by the state
legislature in the 1990s. Business interests have strongly supported reforms,
including vouchers for private schools, mandated achievement testing of
students, stronger school boards, and authorization of state-funded, privately
run charter schools.
Wisconsin has experienced slow but
steady population growth. Since World War II, large numbers of blacks and
Spanish-speaking immigrants have arrived, and the population of Southeast Asians
has increased since the end of the Vietnam War in the 1970s. At the same time
some job seekers and retirees have migrated from Wisconsin to Southern
Q | Native Americans in the 20th Century |
Most native groups were forced to leave
Wisconsin in the 1830s and 1840s, and most of those who remained, mainly
Menominee and Ojibwa, lived on reservations established in the northern part of
the state. In the 1820s a group of Oneida from New York resettled in the state,
and some Winnebago returned in the 1880s after their people were relocated.
In the 20th century, the Menominee used
timber resources on their reservation to become fairly prosperous and
self-sufficient. But under a 1954 law the Menominee tribe was terminated, part
of a federal policy that sought to assimilate Native Americans into white
society and end their special status. Economic decline followed; by 1972
Menominee County, which included the former reservation, was the poorest in the
state. The federal action was reversed in 1973, restoring the reservation.
The Wisconsin Ojibwa, living on six
reservations, also struggled with poverty and unemployment. In the 1980s and
1990s they asserted rights under 19th-century treaties to hunt and spear fish on
traditional lands off their reservations. These rights were upheld by federal
court decisions, prompting some violent reaction from whites in reservation
The most important change in Native
Americans’ status came from the expansion of gambling in Wisconsin. Since
statehood, Wisconsin had rejected legalized gambling, but in 1987 voters
approved a state lottery to raise money for property-tax relief. The lottery
expanded into multiple games and multi-state games with huge prizes, then opened
up other gambling avenues. Gaming compacts allowed Native Americans to operate
casinos, and some have been highly profitable, especially in Milwaukee and
Wisconsin Dells and near Green Bay. Restricted to high-stakes bingo, slot
machines, and video poker, these casinos have brought unprecedented prosperity
to some native groups, providing jobs and money for education, health, and
cultural programs. This economic boom, however, has not been shared by all of
the state’s 47,000 Native American residents.
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