Pierre Elliott
Trudeau (1919-2000), 15th prime minister of Canada (1968-1979,
1980-1984). Trudeau became prime minister on April 20, 1968, succeeding Lester
B. Pearson, who had resigned as leader of the Liberal Party and as prime
minister earlier that month. Soon after taking office, Trudeau called a general
election and won a majority in Parliament.
Trudeau initially attracted wide praise for his
outspoken manner and his youthful lifestyle. Among some segments of the
population his popularity was so strong that it came to be known as
“Trudeaumania.” Until his marriage in 1971 to Margaret Sinclair, the daughter of
a prominent Vancouver Liberal, his social life also drew much public attention.
He and his wife had three sons; they separated in 1977 and were divorced in
Politically, Trudeau was a federalist,
asserting the authority of the federal government over the provincial
governments and defending the unity of Canada against regional interests. He
also sought to prevent the cultural and economic domination of Canada by the
United States, though without taking steps that would antagonize the U.S.
In time Trudeau's early popularity waned, and
in the election of 1972 the Liberals narrowly lost their parliamentary majority.
Trudeau remained prime minister in a minority government. He was criticized for
many of his policies, especially his promotion of bilingualism and his war of
wages and price controls to fight inflation; however he again won a large
majority in the election of 1974. In 1979 his government was defeated, largely
as a result of economic problems, and Trudeau resigned. He was called back to
head his party when the Conservative government fell in 1980. Trudeau won the
next election and remained prime minister until he retired in 1984.
Trudeau was born Joseph Philippe Pierre Ives
Elliott Trudeau in Montréal, Québec, in 1919. He was the youngest of the three
children of Charles-Emile Trudeau, a lawyer and businessman. Trudeau grew up in
a bilingual household. After his primary schooling, he entered the Jesuit
classical school, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, where he was a top student. He
received his bachelor's degree in 1938 and went on to the Université de
Montréal, where he studied law; he became a lawyer in 1943. He did postgraduate
work in political science, law, and economics at Harvard, the London School of
Economics, and the University of Paris.
During the 1950s Trudeau practiced law in
Québec, where he was active in labor and civil liberties cases. From 1949 to
1951 he served as an economic and legal adviser to the Privy Council, or
secretariat to the national cabinet.
Trudeau developed a political philosophy
centered on the need for individual liberty and social justice. It led him to
support a strike of asbestos miners; he addressed large groups of miners,
participated in their demonstrations, and acted as legal adviser to the unions.
He was editor of a detailed study of the strike, La Grève de l’amiante
(“The Asbestos Strike,” 1956). Trudeau was also involved in several other
important strikes in the 1950s, advising, making speeches, or writing articles
on behalf of the strikers. At the same time he became increasingly opposed to
the authoritarian policies of Québec's premier, Maurice Duplessis.
Trudeau was a founder of the review Cité
Libre (“Free City”), which was established in 1950 and became the leading
publication attacking Duplessis and his party, the Union Nationale. Trudeau was
also a leader in the formation of the Rassemblement, a group devoted to fighting
Duplessis by arousing public opinion against him. It provided much of the
intellectual basis for the revived Québec Liberal Party, which defeated the
Union Nationale in 1960.
Cité Libre emphasized concern for the
individual and held that economic opportunities should be equal for all, so that
each person could develop freely. It defended freedom of thought, speech, and
religion, and advocated nonsectarian schools. It opposed nationalism as being
divisive, and it argued that the nation-state was outdated because modern
conditions required international organization.
According to Trudeau, aspirations to make
Québec a separate nation were wrong and the province should instead seek its
fulfillment within the Canadian federal system. The ideal state for Cité
Libre was democratic, socialist, federal, and pacifist.
A | Trudeau and the Liberals |
Trudeau remained outside the Liberal
Party through the early 1960s, even though he was closer in views to that party
than to any of the other Canadian parties. He had supported the Québec Liberals
against the Union Nationale, but when the administration of Québec premier Jean
Lesage espoused a policy of French Canadian nationalism, Trudeau withdrew his
Trudeau also opposed the national Liberal
Party of Prime Minister Lester Pearson because he opposed Pearson's acceptance
of U.S. nuclear weapons for Canada. Also, Trudeau thought the national Liberal
Party lacked commitment to the maintenance of federalism in Canada. He felt the
Pearson administration had given too much independence to the provinces, thereby
upsetting the balance of the constitution.
In 1965, however, Trudeau and two
associates—Jean Marchand, a labor leader, and Gérard Pelletier, a
journalist—decided that they could be more effective in bringing about change if
they worked within the governing Liberal Party. They entered the party at a time
when the Liberals lacked strong French-Canadian leaders at the federal level.
Marchand became the Québec lieutenant of Prime Minister Pearson and a member of
the cabinet. Trudeau became Parliamentary secretary to the prime minister.
B | Minister of Justice |
In 1967, Trudeau became minister of
justice, a critically important post at a time when the constitution was under
attack by Québec nationalists. Early in 1968 he played the leading role in the
federal-provincial constitutional conference, in which he defended a balanced
federal system with strong but equal provinces and declared that the homeland of
French Canadians was not Québec but all of Canada. He therefore advocated equal
language rights, or bilingualism for French Canadians outside Québec.
As minister of justice, Trudeau introduced
sweeping changes in the criminal code to liberalize the laws on abortion,
homosexuality, and divorce, despite the conservative views of many Canadian
After the resignation of Lester Pearson as
leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau was chosen as his successor, and on April
20, 1968, he became prime minister. He called a general election and showed
himself to be a brilliant campaigner, projecting an image of youthful charm and
vitality. He argued for a united Canada with equal rights for French- and
English-speaking citizens and opposed special status for any province. The
voters gave him a substantial majority over Robert Stanfield's Conservative
opposition. Entering office with great authority, he formed Canada's first
majority government since Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's landslide victory a
decade earlier.
Trudeau's administration officially
recognized the People's Republic of China, established diplomatic relations with
the Vatican, and reduced Canada's role in the military establishment of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a regional defense alliance centered
in Europe. His main concern, however, was to undercut the appeal of the Québec
separatists. He therefore sponsored the Official Languages Act, guaranteeing
bilingual federal facilities wherever at least 10 percent of the population
spoke the minority language.
The separatist issue reached a crisis in
October 1970, when an extremist organization in Québec kidnapped a British
diplomat and killed a Québec minister. Québec's premier requested intervention
by the army and the declaration of a wartime emergency. Trudeau complied, and
465 people, much of Québec's French Canadian elite, were arrested. The
terrorists were soon caught and tried, but the issue quickly changed from that
of preventing terrorism to that of preserving democratic political processes.
French Canadians continued to resent the humiliation of their elite by the
federal government, and the separatist Parti Québécois gained steadily in
strength, finally coming to power in Québec in 1976.
Nationally, meanwhile, Trudeau's government
declined in popularity and lost its majority in the general election of 1972.
Economic problems—inflation, unemployment, and the falling value of the Canadian
dollar, along with ever-increasing U.S. influence in the Canadian economy—had
undermined confidence in the Liberal administration. However, the persistent
weakness of the Conservatives and the New Democrats, a democratic socialist
coalition consisting mainly of the old Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
(CCF), helped to keep the Trudeau government in power. Also, many Canadians saw
the Liberals as the only party able to keep the country together after the
separatist victory in Québec in 1976.
In the 1974 election Trudeau regained a
majority, partly by opposing the Conservative policy of stopping inflation by
means of wage and price controls. When, however, a year later, the victorious
Liberals introduced wage and price controls, the government's credibility
suffered. And when, after lifting the controls, inflation and unemployment
returned, the Liberals faced an uphill battle just when a new general election
was imminent.
During the 1979 campaign, Trudeau attempted
to rally the nation once again around Canadian unity, but the economic issues
were overriding. No party won a majority of seats in the election, but the
Conservatives won the most seats, and in June their leader, Joe Clark, became
prime minister. In December, however, Clark's budget that consisted mainly of a
large increase in the gasoline tax was put to a vote of confidence, a vote in
Parliament on whether or not the members support the prime minister on his
policies. Clark lost the vote and resigned, and in elections in February 1980
Trudeau and the Liberals returned to office with a majority.
While promising to resign before the next
election, Trudeau stayed on as prime minister for four more years, sustained by
parliamentary majority. The hard times continued. Inflation and unemployment
were even higher than in the United States, and the fortunes of the Canadian
economy were closely tied to those of the U.S. economy. Unable to improve
economic conditions, Trudeau turned to the constitution. He successfully led a
“no” campaign in a referendum called by Québec on the “sovereignty-association”
issue, which would have allowed Québec to enjoy the economic advantages of being
part of Canada while technically being independent. He then proposed
constitutional changes that would end the role of the British Parliament in
amending the Canadian constitution, introduce equalization payments to the
poorer provinces for the provision of public services, guarantee rights to
native peoples, and provide a charter of rights and freedoms for all Canadians.
Eight of the ten provinces rejected the proposals. But Trudeau mobilized public
opinion by conceding extra rights to certain interest groups and finally won the
assent of all the English-speaking provinces. Québec refused its assent.
The last major issue tackled by Trudeau was
the energy question. In 1980 he announced a national energy program that would
fix oil and gas prices, claim more oil and gas revenue for the federal
government, and increase Canadian ownership of the oil and gas industries. The
program led to conflict between the federal government and the western
provincial governments, and this conflict had not been resolved when Trudeau
retired in June 1984. He was succeeded as party leader and prime minister by
John Turner.
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