Empire, Native American state that ruled much of what is now Mexico from
about 1428 until 1521, when the empire was conquered by the Spaniards. The
empire represented the highest point in the development of the rich Aztec
civilization that had begun more than a century earlier. At the height of their
power, the Aztec controlled a region stretching from the Valley of Mexico in
central Mexico east to the Gulf of Mexico and south to Guatemala.
The Aztec built great cities and developed a
complex social, political, and religious structure. Their capital, Tenochtitlán,
was located on the site of present-day Mexico City. An elaborate metropolis
built on islands and reclaimed marsh land, Tenochtitlán was possibly the largest
city in the world at the time of the Spanish conquest. It featured a huge temple
complex, a royal palace, and numerous canals.
After the Spanish conquest, the empire of the
Aztec was destroyed, but their civilization remained an important influence on
the development of Mexican culture. Many contemporary Mexicans are descended
from the Aztec, and more than 1 million Mexicans speak Nahuatl, the native Aztec
language, as their primary language. In Mexico City, excavations continue to
uncover temple foundations, statues, jewelry, and other artifacts of the Aztec
Aztec refers both to the people who
founded the empire, who called themselves Mexica, or Tenochca, and, more
generally, to all of the many other Nahuatl-speaking ethnic groups that lived in
the Valley of Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest. The name Aztec
is derived from Aztlán, the mythical homeland of the Mexica; according to
tradition, Aztlán was located northwest of the Valley of Mexico, possibly in
west Mexico. The name Mexico is derived from Mexica.
Long before the rise of the Aztec, the Valley
of Mexico was the center of a highly developed civilization. A fertile basin,
the valley was located 2400 m (7800 ft) above sea level. In its center lay five
interconnected lakes dotted with marshy islands. From about ad 100 to 650 the valley was dominated
by the city of Teotihuacán, center of a powerful religious, economic, and
political state.
After the decline of Teotihuacán, the Toltec
people migrated into central Mexico from the north and established a conquest
state there. The Toltec civilization reached its height in the 10th and 11th
centuries. In the 13th century wandering bands of Nahuatl-speaking warriors,
often called Chichimec, invaded the valley. They took over Toltec cities, such
as Atzcapotzalco, and founded new ones, such as Texcoco de Mora. The Chichimec
combined their own cultural traditions with those of the Toltec to form the
early Aztec civilization, whose social structure, economy, and arts would reach
their height under the rule of the later empire.
The group that eventually founded the Aztec
Empire, the Mexica, migrated to the Valley of Mexico in the middle of the 13th
century. As late arrivals, the Mexica, a hunter-gatherer people, were forced by
other groups in the valley to take refuge on two islands near the western shore
of Lake Texcoco (one of the five lakes in the area). The Mexica believed in a
certain legend, which held that they would establish a great civilization in a
marshy area, where they would first see a cactus growing out of a rock with an
eagle perched on the cactus. After the Mexica arrived at the swampy site on the
shore of Lake Texcoco, their priests proclaimed that they had seen the promised
omen. The site turned out to be a strategic location, with abundant food
supplies and waterways for transportation.
The Mexica began farming for a living, and in
1325 they founded the city of Tenochtitlán on one of the lake islands. For the
next 100 years they paid tribute to stronger neighboring groups, especially the
Tepaneca of the city-state of Azcapotzalco, whom they served as
As the Mexica grew in number, they
established superior military and civil organizations. The Mexica of
Tenochtitlán formed a triple alliance with the city-states of Texcoco and
Tlacopan. In 1428 the triple alliance defeated the Tepaneca. Under the Mexica
ruler Itzcoatl, his successor Montezuma I, and the Texcocan ruler
Netzahualcóyotl, the three states waged a series of conquests. They eventually
established an empire that extended from central Mexico to the Guatemalan border
and included many different states and ethnic groups, who were forced to pay
tribute to the alliance. Tenochtitlán became the dominant power within the
Aztec society was highly structured, based
on agriculture, and guided by a religion that pervaded every aspect of life. The
Aztec worshiped gods that represented natural forces that were vital to their
agricultural economy. Aztec cities were dominated by giant stone pyramids topped
by temples where human sacrifices were dedicated to the gods. Aztec art was
primarily an expression of religion, and even warfare, which increased the
empire’s wealth and power, served the religious purpose of providing captives to
be sacrificed.
A | Social Organization |
The basic unit of Aztec society was the
calpulli, sometimes, at least for early Aztec history, thought of as a
clan, or group of families who claimed descent from a common ancestor. Each
calpulli regulated its own affairs, electing a council and officers to keep
order, lead in war, dispense justice, and maintain records. Calpulli ran schools
in which boys were taught citizenship, warfare, history, crafts, and religion.
Each calpulli also had a temple, an armory to hold weapons, and a storehouse for
goods and tribute that were distributed among its members. Within each calpulli,
land was divided among the heads of families according to their needs. Each
family had a right to use the land but owned only the goods that it
In Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital,
calpulli fulfilled the same functions but gradually took a different form. As
the city grew large and complex, the calpulli were no longer based on family
relationships, but became wards, or political divisions, of the city. Each
calpulli still had its own governing council, school, temple, and land, but its
members were not necessarily related. There were 15 calpulli in Tenochtitlán
when the city was founded in 1325; by the 16th century there were as many as
In Tenochtitlán and other Aztec
city-states, the most capable leaders of each calpulli together composed a
tribal council, which elected four chief officials. One of these four officials
was selected as the tlatoani (ruler). After Tenochtitlán became the
center of Aztec civilization, its ruler became the supreme leader of the empire,
to whom lesser rulers paid tribute. This ruler was considered semidivine, a
descendant of the Aztec gods, and served as both military leader and high
priest. His title was huey tlatoani, meaning “great lord” or “great
The ruler was supported by a noble class of
priests, warriors, and administrators. Below these nobles were the common
people, including merchants, artisans, soldiers, peasant farmers, and laborers.
Aztec merchants formed a hereditary class, called pochteca. They lived in
special quarters in the cities, formed guilds, and had many privileges.
Aztec rulers and nobles owned land on
private estates. Most land for commoners was owned by a calpulli, which assigned
its members plots to use. Landholders paid tribute to the empire in agricultural
products, which were used to finance public projects. All able-bodied men owed
military service to the empire. Citizens could also be drafted to work on public
lands or build temples, dikes, aqueducts, and roads.
Although Aztec society had strict classes,
a person’s status could change based on his or her contribution to society.
Commoners could improve their rank, especially by performing well in battle, and
become prosperous landowners. Young people of some classes could study to become
priests or warriors. Warriors who captured many prisoners gained prestige and
wealth and might be admitted into one of several elite military orders. A person
who committed a crime or did not pay his debts became a slave; however, such
slaves could eventually regain their freedom, and their children were born
B | Tenochtitlán |
Tenochtitlán was the center of the Aztec
world. The marvels of the island city were described at length by the Spanish
conquistadors (conquerors), who called it the “Venice of the New World”
(in reference to Venice, Italy) because of its many canals. At its height, the
city had a population of about 200,000, according to modern estimates, making it
one of the most populous cities in the ancient world.
Tenochtitlán was connected to the mainland
by three well-traveled causeways, or raised roads. During the rainy season, when
the lake waters rose, the causeways served as protective dikes. Stone aqueducts
brought fresh drinking water into the city from the mainland. Tenochtitlán’s
canals served as thoroughfares and were often crowded with canoes made from
hollowed logs. The canoes were used to carry produce to the public market in the
city’s main plaza.
At the center of Tenochtitlán was a
ceremonial plaza paved with stone. The plaza housed several large government
buildings and the palace of the Aztec ruler, which was two stories high and
contained hundreds of rooms. The most important structure in the plaza was a
large, terraced pyramid crowned with two stone temples dedicated to the most
important Aztec gods—the sun god (also the god of war) and the rain god. A
surrounding enclosure contained buildings for priests and elite military groups,
courts for sacred games, and smaller pyramids topped by temples where incense
and sacrificial fires burned before enormous idols. Other temple pyramids were
built in every section of the city.
Residents of Tenochtitlán lived in houses
built around open courts, or patios. Houses of the nobility were made of
plastered brick or stone and painted bright shades of red or white. The houses
of the common people were smaller, made of interwoven twigs and mud, and
thatched with grass.
C | Agriculture |
Farming provided the basis of the Aztec
economy. The land around the lakes was fertile but not large enough to produce
food for the population, which expanded steadily as the empire grew. To make
more land suitable for farming, the Aztec developed irrigation systems, formed
terraces on hillsides, and used fertilizer to enrich the soil. Their most
important agricultural technique, however, was to reclaim swampy land around the
lakes by creating chinampas, or artificial islands that are known
popularly as “floating gardens.” To make the chinampas, the Aztec dug
canals through the marshy shores and islands, then heaped the mud on huge mats
made of woven reeds. They anchored the mats by tying them to posts driven into
the lake bed and planting trees at their corners that took root and secured the
islands permanently. On these fertile islands they grew corn, squash,
vegetables, and flowers.
Aztec farmers had no plows or work animals.
They planted crops in soft soil using pointed sticks. Corn was their principal
crop. Women ground the corn into a coarse meal by rubbing it with a grinding
stone called a mano against a flat stone called a metate. From the
corn meal, the Aztec made flat corn cakes called tortillas, which was their
principal food. Other crops included beans, squash, chili peppers, avocados, and
tomatoes. The Aztec raised turkeys and dogs, which were eaten by the wealthy;
they also raised ducks, geese, and quail.
Aztec farmers had many uses for the maguey
plant (also known as the agave), which grew in the wild to enormous size. The
sap was used to make a beerlike drink called pulque, the thorns served as
needles, the leaves were used as thatch for the construction of dwellings, and
the fibers were twisted into rope or woven into cloth.
D | Trade |
In the Aztec empire, some manufactured
goods were produced for the ruler or sold in the local markets. These included
pottery, tools, jewelry, figurines, baskets, and cloth. Other goods, especially
prized luxury items such as lake salt, gold ornaments, and rich garments, were
carried by traveling traders to distant peoples in the lowlands along the Gulf
coast and south toward what is now Guatemala. There they were exchanged for
luxury items native to those regions, such as tropical-bird feathers, jaguar
skins, cotton, rubber, and cacao beans for chocolate. The Aztec had no metal
coins. They used cacao beans, cotton cloth, and salt as a form of money.
The Aztec had no wheeled vehicles or draft
animals, so trading goods were carried by canoe or on the backs of porters, who
marched in long caravans led by merchants. In dangerous areas, Aztec warriors
would protect the caravans. Merchants would often act as spies for the empire
when trading in towns that had not been conquered by the Aztec.
E | Religion |
As an agricultural people, the Aztec
depended heavily on the forces of nature and worshiped them as gods. Most
important was their patron deity, the sun god, Huitzilopochtli, who was also
considered to be the god of war. Other important gods were Tlaloc (the god of
rain) and Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent (the god of wind and learning, also
associated with resurrection). The Aztec believed that the benevolent gods must
be kept strong to prevent the evil gods from destroying the world. For this
purpose they conducted human sacrifices. Victims of sacrifice were usually
prisoners of war, although Aztec warriors would sometimes volunteer for the more
important sacrificial rituals. The god Tlaloc was believed to prefer children as
sacrificial victims.
The sacrificial rituals were elaborate in
form, calculated according to the stars to please specific gods at specific
times. A victim would ascend the steps of the pyramid. At the top, a priest
would stretch the victim across a stone altar and cut out the victim’s heart.
The priest would hold the heart aloft to the god being honored and then fling it
into a sacred fire while it was still beating. Often many victims were killed at
once. In 1487, according to legend, Aztec priests sacrificed more than 80,000
prisoners of war at the dedication of the reconstructed temple of the sun god in
Aztec priests sought to win favor with the
gods by fasts and self-inflicted bloodletting. Some of them ran schools called
calmecacs in which they taught religious rituals to boys studying for the
priesthood. One of the most important functions of the priests was to determine
which days would be lucky for engaging in activities such as war and baptism. A
religious calendar of 260 days provided this information. The dates of
ceremonies to honor the gods were determined by a solar calendar of 365 days.
Variants of both calendars were developed by earlier Mesoamerican civilizations
such as the Olmec, Maya, and Zapotec. The meshing of the two calendars produced
a 52-year cycle, at the end of which the Aztec would let their hearth fires go
out. To begin the next cycle, they would hold the important “new fire ceremony,”
in which priests lit a sacred fire in the chest cavity of a sacrificial victim,
and the people rekindled their hearth fires and began feasting. See also
Pre-Columbian Religions.
F | Arts |
Most of the art produced by the Aztec
expressed aspects of their religion. Brilliantly colored paintings, done mainly
on walls and amatl (paper made of pounded bark), depicted religious ceremonies
and stiff, angular gods. The Aztec carved freestanding idols and bas-relief wall
sculptures on their temple-pyramids. Stone sculptures were often made to
represent gods and sacrificial victims.
One of their most famous surviving Aztec
sculptures is the so-called calendar stone, which weighs 22 metric tons and
measures 3.7 m (12 ft) in diameter. The calendar stone represents the Aztec
universe. The face of the Aztec sun god is carved in the center. Surrounding it
are circular bands of designs that symbolize the days and the heavens. The Aztec
also carved small, realistic figures of people and animals out of quartz,
obsidian (volcanic glass), and jade.
The Aztec wrote in pictographs, or small
pictures symbolizing objects or the sounds of syllables. They also used
pictographs in their counting system, which was based on the number 20. A
picture of a flag indicated 20 items; a fir tree represented 20 times 20 items,
or 400; and a pouch indicated 400 times 20 items, or 8000. Pictographs could not
express abstract ideas but were useful for recording history, conducting
business, and maintaining genealogy and landholding records.
G | Tools and Crafts |
Although the Aztec had only simple hand
tools to work with, they were expert craftspeople. Women spun cotton and maguey
fibers into thread by twisting them onto a stick weighted by a clay spindle
whorl. They dyed the thread in vivid colors and wove it into cloth with
elaborate geometric designs. From this cloth they made clothing—loincloths and
capes for men and long skirts and sleeveless blouses for women. Specially
trained craftsmen knotted feathers into webs to make mantles (cloaks),
headdresses, and banners.
The Aztec layered strips of clay to make
storage jars, griddles, goblets, and other kinds of vessels, which were fired in
open kilns. These clay vessels were generally red or white, with finely drawn
black-and-white geometric designs. Unlike the early civilized peoples of the
Middle East, the Aztec had no iron or bronze. Their cutting tools were made of
obsidian and chert, and by the time of the Spanish conquest, they had begun to
experiment with tools made of copper. The Aztec fashioned jewelry using gold,
silver, copper, emerald, turquoise, and a kind of jade that they prized above
all other materials. They cut stone for use in construction using rawhide cord
and an abrasive of sand and water. Axes were made of blades of stone or copper,
set in wooden handles. Drills were made of bone or reed.
In 1519 Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés and
more than 500 Spaniards landed in eastern Mexico in search of land and gold.
Advised by Malinche, his Native American mistress, Cortés formed an alliance
with one of the rivals of the Aztec, the Tlaxcalans, and set out for
Tenochtitlán. After wavering about how to respond to the Spanish force, Aztec
ruler Montezuma II allowed Cortés to enter the city in order to learn more about
him and his intentions.
Finding large amounts of gold and other
treasure, and fearful that the Aztec would attack his vastly outnumbered Spanish
force, Cortés seized Montezuma as a hostage and demanded a ransom of treasure.
The Spaniards melted down the intricate gold ornaments of the Aztec for shipment
to Spain and forced Montezuma to swear allegiance to the king of Spain. The
Spaniards remained in the city without opposition until about six months later,
when, in Cortés’s absence, Spanish officer Pedro de Alvarado massacred 200 Aztec
nobles who had gathered for a religious ceremony. After Cortés returned, the
Aztec rebelled, fighting to drive the Spaniards out of Tenochtitlán. The Aztec
warriors tore up the city’s bridges and chased the Spaniards into the canals,
where three-fourths of them, weighted down with stolen gold, quickly drowned.
Montezuma was killed during the revolt. Montezuma’s successor, Cuitlahuac, ruled
only a few months before dying of disease. Montezuma’s nephew Cuauhtémoc became
the next Aztec ruler.
Cortés retreated to Tlaxcala and gathered
more Native American allies for a siege of Tenochtitlán. The Aztecs’ crude
weapons were no match for the iron, steel, and gunpowder of the Spaniards, who
also had the advantage of a large number of indigenous allies. After three
months of desperate and bloody fighting, Cuauhtémoc surrendered in August 1521.
Cortés tortured and hanged him while on an expedition to Honduras in 1525. The
Spaniards conquered the remaining Aztec peoples, whose population was decimated
by about a third due to a smallpox epidemic triggered by one of the Spanish
soldiers, and took over their lands, forcing them to work in gold mines and on
Spanish estates.
The fall of Tenochtitlán marked the end of
the Native American civilizations that had existed in Mesoamerica since the
first human settlement of the region. On the ruins of Tenochtitlán, the
Spaniards built Mexico City. The city’s present-day cathedral rises over the
ruins of an Aztec temple, and the palace of the Mexican president stands on the
site of the palace of Montezuma. See also Mexico: History.
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